CHAPTER 2 - A Shoulder to Cry on

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After up partying all night, the last thing Harry wanted to do was to wake up to the sound of somebody banging on his door. His head was killing him and the banging did not help at all. How much did he drink last night? The last thing that he remembered was the blonde who asked him to dance last night. Pretty as she was, he declined. Girls were just not his top priority right now. After breaking up with Sarah, his girlfriend - well, his ex now - he was a bit wary of women in general.

He and the lads had just wrapped up their North American tour recently and they had just returned to England a few days ago. Harry went home for a couple of days to see his family and friends. He had a good time there.

The incessant banging would not stop. Whoever it was, he was going to kill him... or her for the agony he was going through right now.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming!" He shouted, although he doubted the person on the other side of the door could hear him. He opened the door to a very enraged Jenna.

Jenna was one of his closest friends. He knew her since we were in primary school. She was a very attractive brunette and a really good friend. However, she had a reputation of changing boyfriends like she changed her clothes. 

She went out with a lot of men and most men she dated were older men. Much, much older. Okay, he dated older women too, so he shouldn't be the one to criticise but for some inexplicable reasons, it really irritated the crap out of him.   

They had talked about it, they even argued and fought about it because most men she dated were jerks, and the latest, Parker, was not an exclusion. He hated to see her get hurt.

"That no-good, lying...." She lost him after that largely due to his throbbing head. She marched into his house even before he managed to get his "Hi, Jenna" out. Then, she paced the floor of his living room, ranting about... something.

If his head was not hurting, Harry would probably be able to follow her rant but the pacing she was doing and the noise she's making only contributed to making his head hurt even more.

"Uh, Jenna?" he hesitated. "Much as I love you and love to hear what got your knickers in a twist... I have a MASSIVE, MASSIVE headache, right now."

She stopped in her track and turned to look at him. When she realised he only have his underwear on and he was wearing a pained expression on his face, her beautiful eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh, Harry." She was gushing with sympathy now. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't realise. Gosh, sit down. Hangover?"

Harry nodded. Not a good idea as it brought on a wave of nausea. 

"Yeah.." He sighed and tried to sit as gingerly as possible on the sofa.

"Poor Harry." Her eyes were full of compassion. "Let him get something for that headache.... and some clothes for you to put on. You're indecent!"

Jenna went into the kitchen and came out with a tall glass of water and a painkiller. 

"Here. Take this." She handed him the glass and the painkiller, and sat down beside him. "It'll help with the headache. Finish that water. You need a lot of water."

"Yes, ma'am." He mumbled. After he took the painkiller and drank the water, she took the glass from his hand and set it down on the side table. Then she went into his bedroom and came out with an old white tee and beige sweatpants. He took the clothes, put on the sweatpants and discarded the tee.

"Come here, sweetheart." Jenna said. "Let him give you some TLC. Lie down and put your head on my lap."

Harry did as instructed and she began to massage his temples. 

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