Chapter One

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There's nothing like a night out to celebrate being fired..... NOT. Well to be honest I thought it would be a good idea to take my mind off of getting let go--- with no explanation or warning may I add--- otherwise I would of stayed in eating enough ice cream to send me into a deep coma. I push my way through the crowd past the sweating bodies to get to the decking area. People are huddling underneath the canopy to escape the attack of the rain. I manage to wriggle and push my way through the crowd to a spot so that my front is covered by the canopy but my back is getting soaking wet making my long hair stick to my back uncomfortably. I stand next to a man puffing on his cigarette as I think about my bed and it's becoming even more enticing with each passing second. I came out to get fresh air but instead my lungs are filling with smoke. My best friend Silver had convinced me that getting a little drunk would help me deal with the fact that I had been let go from a job that I had worked hard to get, but as I am now realising hasn't helped at all. It wasn't the best job that I could of aimed for but it pays for--- well it paid for my nice apartment and nice clothes and that's all I wanted. I worked at a fashion magazine organising the clothes for each shoot I would get an email telling me what to do and I'd get the clothes together for the models to wear. I got on with my co-workers even my boss until yesterday when she called me into the office to say "We've had to make some cuts, I'm so sorry Alex, really I am"

I thought it was a joke at first, a prank until I had to clean out my stuff then it became reality. I decide to go back in because standing outside actually had the opposite effect that I had intended. I push my way through the crowd and find Silver at the bar nursing a pitcher of something that looks pretty deadly.

"I think I'm gonna go" I say as I down the rest of my drink

"nooooo, you cant! We all came out for you" she whines, Here comes the guilt trip.

"I know, I know...but I'm really not feeling it" The music is so loud we're having to raise our voices. She runs her fingers through her short pixie blond hair

"Okay" She starts to gulp down half of what was left of her drink with a bitter expression, I stop her

"No, you stay have fun for me" I pat her on the back and before she can say anything I'm pushing myself through the sea of bodies again. By the time I make it to the entrance my hair is plastered to my forehead with sweat. I step out and the rain feels heavenly on my hot skin I walk the short distance to the line of people waiting for taxis I stand in the line for all of 5 minutes before I decide to just walk the three blocks to my apartment that I share with Silver.

"Excuse me" I say to a group of kids with cheap bottles of beer in there hands, they bow as they let me passed and I cant help but roll my eyes. The rain starts to hit the streets harder I pass many girls in skimpy dresses and that's when I'm so glad that I opted for my black jumpsuit I was still soaked through though and decided to slip off my heels as the clip clopping sound starts to do my head in. There's something about walking bare foot that feels quite liberating I just have to keep and eye out for anything nasty. The streets grow quiet as I move further and further away from the club the rain had plastered my long hair to my head so I scoop it into a pony tail. It only took a few minutes for me to walk the few blocks to the cul de sac that holds my apartment building, before rounding the corning to the main door I fished out my keys. When I walk home alone I'm usually fine never scared at all but as soon as i have to open the door I get scared that someone's about to jump out at me.

I hurriedly open the door and shut it behind me just as quick. I look at my reflection in the small mirror that's in the hall, next to the mail hatches and see what impact the rain had had on me. Even though id put my hair up it was drenched and fell from the pony in thick strands, my clothes were stuck to my skin by the rain and I basically resembled a drowned rat. I slowly climb the short stairs to the third floor to my apartment 4G. I get my keys out as quietly as possible and fit them into the lock walking into the cosy warmth that is the apartment remembering to wipe my feet off on the welcome home mat. The smell of lavender fills my nose and I take in a deep breath "Home, sweet Home" I move straight to the sofa and chuck my shoes and keys on there too I sit down leaning my head back and that's when I notice it underneath the framed photograph of my parents there's an oval vase that is usually horizontal on the end table that we put our keys in, but it had been turned the other way and most people wouldn't find that strange, but when you have lived with a clean freak like Silver for 3 years you know something wrong. I suddenly start to notice other things in the apartment that have changed too like a chair that's moved and things that are turned the wrong way around I slowly stand clutching my keys as I see the scariest thing out of place--- a muddy boot print! A creak comes from the direction of Silvers room which makes my heart leap I start moving ever so slowly towards the door holding my breath. Whoever is in my house obviously hadn't heard me. I manage to take step back without making a sound just stepping around the coffee table, but the back of my knee manages to knock it slightly. I cover my mouth with both hands there's suddenly louder movement coming from Silvers room. I start to move quicker towards the front door just as a man steps out from Silver's room he's wearing some sort of a mask so I cant see any other part of his face but his eyes. There's a split second where we're just staring at each other I can literally hear my heart beating in my ears. I break the eye contact first looking to the left and then to the right for the umbrella that we keep there. He moves forwards and the umbrella isn't there so I do the first thing I can think of---- after being obsessed with Buffy The Vampire Slayer as a kid--- He comes at me from my right I wait for him to get close enough and just messily swing out to punch him in the jaw I miss and he catches me and pins my arms down to my sides. I'm bent forward and use the momentum to fling my head back cracking him in the nose he releases me and bends to his knees holding his nose I use my knee and crack him in the forehead and he goes down. All this happens within seconds, i stare down at the man adrenaline coursing through my veins i feel as if iv drank a million Red Bull. Id somehow managed to drop my keys in scuffle so I quickly scoop them up and dash out of the door. As I get to the second floor skidding to a halt there's another man dressed as exactly like the other, this one lifts a walkie-talkie to his lips and says something but I cant quite make out what he says as my heart is beating so loud and fast and I cant hear the reply from the other end just static. He's blocking the way to the last set of stairs and my heart is racing so fast I cant think straight as he starts to move forward. I'm thinking and thinking trying to remember anything that could help me get out of this and I do its not what I would of wanted but its the only thing that pops into my brain. I run forward at the last moment catching him in the gut and causing him to go flying down the stairs as I come to a stop just at the top holding onto the banister to stop myself from falling down after him. I run down the stairs and step over his still body I take another quick glance and do not like the unnatural way his neck is lying. I finally get to the front door swing it open step out and get tasered in the chest, the last thing I remember is green eyes hovering above me before everything goes black.


I'm a really slow writer so sorry if it takes a ages for each chapter to be uploaded. Hope you enjoy xx

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