chapter Two

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I awake with a start taking in a deep breath, eyes wild, everything's black, my body aches. I reach out to the side where I can just see a side table and feel for a lamp or anything. My phone! I suddenly think and go to reach into my back pocket to find that I'm no longer wearing my jumpsuit but sweat pants and a tank top. I shake my head, rub my eyes and try to get out of the bed. I bump into something tall and thin and feel around to find its a giant lamp. I quickly switch it on and the room becomes illuminated I'm released to find that the room is basic nothing weird or scary lurking on the white walls. There's a night stand, wardrobe and a bed pretty normal apart from the act that there are no windows. I scan the room to try and find anything that I can use as a weapon but there's nothing not even a book to be able to smack across someone's face. I walk over to the wardrobe to find it empty apart from a few coat hangers. I grab one and unwind it making it into a long piece of wire that hooks at the end. A spend a few minutes more searching for any other clues to where I might be but find nothing. I walk to the door and try the handle, it's not locked and the door opens with a slight click. I listen intently to try and hear anything or anybody else. I pop my head out and find that the room I was in is at the end of a long corridor the place looks well furnished with thick red carpet lining the floor and mahogany walls. Further up the corridor there's two more doors at either end. I slowly creep out of the room I was in and make my way down the corridor listening as I go but I can't hear a thing apart from my own breathing. I decide not to try the doors and walk straight past them until I come to a bend in the corridor where I have to turn left I hide behind the wall and peak out to see if anybody is there, but again I'm all alone. It's another corridor but this time there's a set of stairs in the middle. Clutching the coat hanger I walk to the stairs and stop as I hear the faint sounds of voices I can't hear what there saying but they're deep probably male. I take a deep breath and slowly start to make my way down. At the bottom I find myself in a kitchen, all the surfaces are black granite it's all very modern. On the kitchen island is a plate with a sandwich and a tall glass of water. I didn't realise how hungry I was until I saw the sandwich. I quickly make way to it an swallow it within two bites soaking it down with the glass of water. That's when it hits me DANG! That could of been poisonous FUDGE!

There is an archway at the end of the kitchen, I peak through and see a hallway and what I presume to be the front door. My heart races at the mere sight of it, at freedom I don't have a clue what is going on but I just want OUT. I listen again to try and hear those voices but here nothing. I was about 20 feet away from the door if I sprint to it I could probably get out and run but that's only if the door isn't locked, my plan sucks but what else do i have to roll with. As my brain ticks trying to make the decision of whether I should just go for it I start to hear footsteps descending the stairs that I had just come from. I just run for the door practically smacking into it. I try the door handle but there is a little bolt I reach up to slide it across when a voice sounds from behind me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I stop dead in my tracks still my one arm up on the dead bolt.

I was so close, so close. I turn to see who the voice belongs to and come face to face with an elderly looking man in about his late 60's. Words wouldn't form in my mouth i just stared at him. He continued "I know this must be a shock, but let me assure you we are not going to hurt you, Alex" His voice had that grandpa feeling like warm honey.

I some how manage to find my voice "Then why have you kidnapped me, and why does my chest hurt." As I say it i remember something, running out my front door and being zapped. My face starts getting hot "AND why did you zap me!" I almost shout but honestly I didn't have the energy all of a sudden I felt tired,

"You got a little out of control, dear we had to take a precaution you managed to take out two of our guys."

"GOOD!" I shouted losing control a little "They broke into my apartment, and you have fucking kidnapped me! What are you expecting for me to just let you take me?!" I take a deep breath to calm down and really take a look at the man in front of me. He's not as old as I first thought probably mid fifties, He leaned heavily to his left on a cane with lion for a head. "Why don't we go take this chat to my office?" It was a question but i had a feeling that if I said no I'd still have to go. I take one last look at the door and visually kiss it goodbye as I follow the man who's name i still did not know. He opened a pair of double doors where a small T.V and sofa were positioned we then walked down another hallway to a small door. "So much secrecy... by the way did you eat the sandwich i had left for you in the kitchen?" He suddenly says out of nowhere after us walking in silence.

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