Chapter 4; True Colors

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Chapter 4:

The man had pulled into a driveway of a huge mansion. It looked beautiful. I opened my side of the door and walked to the grass there. I plopped down and ran my fingers through the green and fresh smelling grass.

“is this the pack house?” I questioned.

“no, not at all Luna, this is yours and alphas house. He had it built for the late Luna and he, so now it is yours and his.” He looked sad mentioning the late Luna. I wonder how she was. What was she like?

“can you tell me about the late Luna?” I asked him curiously. His eyes held fear and his smile faltered.

“we are not allowed the mention of the previous Luna. The alpha will be absolutely raged if we even utter her name.” he said. they make him sound like an idiotic monster.

I nodded respecting his wishes. “where is Zander now?” I asked. He simply shrugged. Well of course he doesn’t know and even if he did, I’m sure he wouldn’t tell me, after all I am the second chance mate and it will be hard to trust again. he grabbed my bag and brought it inside. He made me sit down on the nice leather couch, that looked like it had cost a fortune.

I made myself comfortable as I waited. “Luna, alpha will be here soon, so please sit down and don’t go anywhere.” He said before leaving. I smiled making myself comfortable in the big quiet mansion. The only sounds were the clock ticking and the wind that blew through the open window.

Soon the door opened and zander walked in, his shoes tapping on the tiled floor. I got up happily and ushered towards him. “Zander.” I said breathlessly. “I-” but he cut me off before I could say anything.

“it is Alpha Zander to you and secondly I had already told you, you are not my mate, just an asset to keep me alive.” He said emotionlessly. I forced a smile on my face although it was saddening to hear. He hasn’t even given me a chance yet.

“my apologies Alpha Zander. But I am still Luna aren’t I? so I think I deserve a chance of calling my mate by his name.” he simply looked at me, his eyes freezing me. he ignored my request and walked upstairs.

“where is our bedroom?” I questioned him. he abruptly turned around, facing me with a cold glare.

“I have said this before and this is the last time I will say it. don’t try to act like my mate because you will NEVER be. Don’t try and make this work, because it will NEVER work and don’t try to be something you’re not, because I will NEVER acknowledge you. For you are only a second chance mate. Worthless to me in every way and useless to the pack. The only importance you hold is that I need you to stay alive. Nothing more, nothing less. Am I clear?” he asked.

Sad was an understatement. Pain was reality. Can a person feel so much pain? “crystal clear.” I said. but deep down I know, I am determined to melt his iced heart and make him loving again. if that doesn’t work, I’ll kill myself and say at least I tried. And that’s a promise. He disappeared into the hallway as a woman, came running up to me.

“Luna, I am Marnie, I’m going to be your escort everywhere. I was the previous luna’s escort and now I am yours.” She said coldly, as if I was a disease. I simply smiled waving off her attitude.

I know why the pack will act hostile toward me. after all I am a stranger who ushered her way into their lives. but no worries, I will love them all and be loved by all. I guess I need to start with the pack, before making my way to Zander.

She showed me to my bedroom not saying a word might I add. And helped me with my suitcases. I thanked her as she left and shut the door. I sat down on the bed in the empty and still room. Getting up I walked to the balcony, getting a beautiful view of outside of the mansion. It was wonderful and green, with different types of flowers. And I couldn’t help but smile. At least there is something to look up to.

I began unpacking my things and putting a frame of my mother father and I on the stand. I smiled as I looked at my fathers, glowing face. I couldn’t help but smile. It’s been years and only pictures to remind me of the previous days. I remembered I had to call my mother, but I decided on calling her tonight.

I pulled out journals of the past, picture albums id rather not open and clothing. After packing everything and putting my hidden stuff in my chest and locking it. I took the key that hung from a chain and hung it around my neck. That way no one was going to open it. no matter what.

I walked out of my bedroom, down the hallway. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to be adventurous right now, but I can’t help but be curious. I walked down the hallway and passed room after room. In another part of the hallway, frames hung on the wall, and a huge one sit in the middle. The huge frame was a portrait of Zander and a girl, I think it’s the former Luna.

He had his hands wrapped around her and he was smiling.

I couldn’t help but let a smile linger on my face. This must have been when he was really happy. I hope to one day see a smile like that. “what are you doing here.” A cold voice asked making me flinch. I didn’t have to look to notice it was zander. I stood quietly not uttering a word.

“I asked what are you doing here!” he yelled again making me flinch. O well I knew I shouldn’t have been curious. I turned around to look into his cold glaring eyes. One day.


Hey guys, chapter 4 complete! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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