Ali❤️ added Spence🖕,Aria💅 ,Em🌸 and Han💄 to the group chat.
Spence🖕: What the hell is this Ali?
Ali❤️: This is a group chat Spence.
Em🌸: Live a little Spencer
Aria💅: Yeah
Spence🖕: Anyone heard from Hanna?
Ali❤️: No why?
Spence🖕: Neither have I
🅰 added them self
Aria💅: Who the hell added -A?
🅰: I added myself.
Ali❤️: Spence ring Hanna!
Spence🖕: Kk add me back in a min guys.
(Spence🖕left the group chat)(Ali❤️ removed 🅰 from the group chat)
(Ali❤️ added Spence🖕 to the group chat)
Spence🖕: She won't answer gtg.
(Spence🖕 left the chat)
Em🌸: Same
(Em🌸 left the chat)Ali❤️: Do you have to go Aria?
Aria💅: Yup bye
(Aria💅 left the chat)(Ali❤️ left the chat)