992 17 6

Spence👑 added Toby🌍,Ali🔥,Em💘, Ezra⭐️,Caleb☀️and Mona💍 to the chat.

Spence👑: I found Aria she had cuts on her head and she had a gunshot.

Mona💍: Did you find Mike?

Spence👑: No I'm so sorry😭

Mona💍: I can't believe it this baby needs a father😭😭😭💔

Ali🔥: Are you.?

Mona💍: Yeah 1 month

          🅰 added there self

🅰: Looks like your running out of time for Mike hurry he's in Brookhaven kisses bitches -A
      (🅰 left the chat)

Spence👑: Lads go to Brookhaven and look in my lake house in the attic or the warehouse next to it!

Ali🔥: Where are you going Spence?

Spence👑: The hospital I'm not letting Aria die

Spence👑 left the group

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