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Ali🔥: added Spence👑, Toby🌍,Ezra⭐️,Caleb☀️,Han🍑,Em💘 and Mona💍 to the chat

Mona💍: We need to find them

Han🍑: Look Mona they could be dead!

Spence👑: Hanna don't ever say that.

Mona💍: Where do you think -A wild take them?

Em💘: Hmmm they could be at an abandoned warehouse

Ali🔥: Or Spencer's Lake House

Ezra⭐️: They could e at RavensWood for all we know

Toby🌍: Or Brookhaven

Ali🔥: Or Philadelphia

Spence👑: We split up I take Toby,Ezra and Alison

Caleb☀️: I'll take Hanna,Mona and Emily

Toby🌍: Meet up at Spencer's house

Em💘: Ali and I are there

Caleb☀️: We're down the road

Ezra⭐️: I'm around the corner

    (Everyone's at Spencer's)

Spence👑 left the group
Toby🌍 left the group
Han🍑 left the group
Caleb☀️ left the group
Ezra⭐️ left the group
Mona💍 left the group

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