01. Leaving Draenor

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- Draeneis have always lived a nice life in Draenor but we knew something will change. Our shamans felt a dark magic that has no place in this world. Right in the times where our lives were about to change, two remarkable draenei girls were born. They are sisters who will bring our people to victory. You know who I'm talking about? - asked Prophet Velen. He and 3 other draenei males were standing at the Temple of Karabor.

The men looked at each other because they knew exactly the girls Prophet Velen was talking about but one of these men was the father of theirs. He didn't want a cruel future for his daughters nor one with wars in it. But it seemed he has no choice or the choice was not his. He talked about it once with the prophet and shared his worries. Velen assured him that even if he tries to make his children avoid their fate, their fate will find them. Unable to fight more with the destiny, Megelon had to give in.

- I very know who you are talking about, Prohet Velen: my daughters.

Velen seemed to feel sorry for him.

- You know, Megelon, that Kil'Jaden will find us sooner or later and we have to make our moves to hide our powers to make it hard for him.

Megelon shattered his eyes.

- I know it well, but Prophet! Why it has to be my daughters?

Velen sighed.

- Because the Naaru blessed them with great light. They have helped us so far, we have no reason to question their decision. Your daughters will be the key to stop Kil'jaden.... and Sargeras.

Megelon fisted his hands and closed his eyes because he knew if he doesn't do so, he will fight with Velen, with everyone and take his daughters away from this danger. But somewhere deep inside of him, he knew this would be the worse decision he's ever made in his life. He took a deep breath before talking.

- Then only one task left for me: to protect my daughters and to teach them how to protect themselves.

The others nodded their heads to sign their respect. It's not sure they could make the same decision. The chance is bigger for them to take their children as far as they could in the same situation and they were glad it's not them who had to face it. Velen also did so.

- These are the words of a great leader.

Megelon bowed his head and started to walk away but in himself he wished he wouldn't be the leader of his town.

Asunáh and Arisuh played in the refreshing river. When they finished their playing, sit down on the left side of the river. Aszunáh looked at her little sister.

- Arisuh, have you ever thought about your future?

- You mean? - Arisuh wasn't the type to complicate things. If she wanted to do something, she did. She really loved her elder sister but sometimes she felt her sister just loves complicating the things that were already complicated.

- I mean what father said.

Arisuh changed to serious.

- I don't want to think about it. I love the life here in Draenor, I don't want to think about leaving it.

Asunáh nodded.

- I know but we have to move. The fel corrupted the orcs and they killed a lot of our people. We have no choice here.

Arisuh turned away.

- I don't care.

Asunáh's laughing voice could be heard.

- You're chubby when you're upset!

Arisuh started to complain.

- Don't tell me things like this!

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