02. Rescruits

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Megelon was really nervous while he was arranging the books on the table in the tent. It was set up after Exodar crashed to the ground and draeneis spread on the Amethyst Isle. It was in the middle of a camp which was made to seek for their injured consociates. But regarless the seriousness of this problem, it wasn't his biggest deal, he was a father in the first place. His daughters were preparing themselves for leaving this place and exodar to take part in a war they didn't know... but Megelon knew well. It was the same in every world: Kil'Jaden followed them wherever they went and with him, fel came too. War couldn't be avoided. But to think that his daughters might be the ones booked as loss gave him chills. As he tried to think a way he could persuade them to stay he didn't notice that someone came into his tent.

- Father?

Megelon looked up from the table and saw her daughter, Asunáh standing at the other side of the tent. He tried to smile.

- Come in, Asunáh. 

She did and noticed the problem. They both remained silent a while and Asunáh broke the silence.

- Father. - she took care of her words to be respectful and calm. - Can I help you with something? 

Megelon smiled but this time it wasn't a fake smile.

- You're really kind. Is it within your time?

The girl nodded.

- Yes.

- You're just like your mother was.

Asunáh wondered.

- I don't remember her. Was I little when she passed away?

Megelon thought back but his face wan't sad at all. Those feelings and memories he had from that time were really pleasant.

- Yes. Your mother was a shaman too, the most talented I've ever seen. But it wasn't her power. She was special because she could see the light in every being. This is where you take after her.

- The spirits said the same thing. - smiled Asunáh but seeing her father's face the smile melt down on her face. - What.....

- You talk to spirits? Before we could even teach you anything?

The girl got scared and started to explain herself really fast. 

- I'm sorry, I couldn't find the right time to tell you and Arisuh always says I have a colourful imagination so I didn't want you to believe I'm an insane draenei...

- Asunáh - interrupted Megelon. - I'm you father. I wouldn't believe you're insane even if you were.      

In fact, Megelon did really worry about Asunáh. He remembered of the words Prophet Velen told him, if he keeps their fate away from them, their fate will found his daughters and he was afraid that was what happened when Asunáh started to talk to the spirits. He really scared of the thought Arisuh had the same talent. He had to think of a plan he could make them stay. It's enought if he keeps Asunáh here, Arisuh was really pliable, she does as Asunáh says. So Megelon turned to Asunáh once more. 

- If it's within your time, please go out with Arisuh and another volunteers and seek for injured draeneis. Try to heal them or at least bring them here for us. We'll take care of them afterwards.

- I understood, Father. 

Asunáh left the tent and it was no time to her to find volunteers. The flame of act was burning in everyone's eye. Arisuh was walking next to Asunáh and couldn't stay silent. She was not that type.

- You talked to our father?

- Yes, why?

- Is he worried?

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