Chapter six: "Don't leave me here alone."

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Dipper's (POV)

When I awoke the next morning, no one was in sight. My family wasn't around, and my favorite Lumber Jill was no where in sight. At first I think that it was too early for them to come, until I look at the clock. the clock read 12:30. I would have thought they would have been here by now. I sighed, before I heard a small snore beside me. I turned to see Wendy there fast asleep. The nurse came in and smiled at me.

"Looks like you're finally awake. Poor dear over there, she got here around 7:00, and waited for you to wake up. Guess she fell asleep waiting."

My sights went back to Wendy as she slept.

"I'll leave you two alone then."

I nodded at the nurse, and grabbed Wendy's hand gently. I blushed and enjoyed the moment of Wendy's hand into mine. But it didn't last long... My family came in a few minutes later, and I let go of Wendy's hand. It was Mabel who spoke up first.

"Hey bro-bro, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay Mabel. Still abit sore, but I'm okay."

"That's good, and I see Wendy beat us here again."


I look over at the slumbering girl, and look back at my family. My mom then started to explain.

"Yep, again. Everyday for the past few days you have been in here, Wendy was the first one here. Guess she must really care about you to come here so early."

Without my family seeing, I grabbed Wendy's hand again and squeezed it abit. I then heard a yawn, and saw Wendy waking up. She stretched and looked over at me. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Finally, you're awake! I've been waiting forever!"

I blushed deeply and smiled sheepishly at her. My sister giggled, my Dad tried not to laugh, and my Mom smirked. I held Wendy back, and spoke up.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Wendy."

She smiled and let me go. I do the same and my Dad speaks up again.

"Well, we will be back in abit kiddo, we are gonna go get some lunch. You want anything?"

"Yeah, I don't care what, just as along as it's better then the hospital food."

We all shared a laugh before they left. Wendy was the only one who stayed. I turned to her, and smiled. She did the same before I spoke up to her.

"Hey Wendy, is it true that you're the first one here, every morning?"

She blushed and nodded. I smiled and hugged her. Her blush deepen and held me back. I winced in pain for a second before holding her tighter. We let each other go after a few minutes, and she goes to get up.

"I think your family had the right idea, I'm pretty hungry I'll be back in a minute."

I go to stop her.

"Hey wait Wendy!"

She turns to me, and I spoke up again.

"Can't you stay with me for a little bit longer?"

Wendy looks down for a second and then at me. She smiled and nodded. She goes back to the chair she was sitting in, and I smiled.

"So why do you want me to stay, dork?"

"Maybe, because I enjoy your company."

"Is that the only reason?"

I blushed but didn't say anything.


"Yeah, it's the only reason..."

"Dipper, tell me the truth."

I gulped and finally spoke up to answer the question.

"No it isn't the only reason. I just don't want to be left alone, because what if Robbie is still out there? What if something bad happens when you're gone? What if..."

"Dipper, Robbie won't get to you, I can promise you that. And nothing bad is going to happen, the doctor's are here. And even if I'm gone for longer then planned, don't worry. You know I'll always be here for you, if you need me man."

"I know just... Don't leave me alone Wendy..."

She smiled softly at me, and nods. I smiled back at her, and she takes my hand. I blushed but I held it back.

"I won't Dipper, I'm right here."

I nodded, and we sat in silence for awhile. But it was a good silence. And I only wished it could last forever. Just me and her, hand in hand, like nothing could come between us. I only hopes I could always feel that way with her.

Author's note:

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