Chapter 8

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Lisa POV

Today Molly and I are going to Katherine's house. Her husband found a job for me at his office. Katherine also had her baby yesterday. Molly wasn't allowed in the hospital room for some stupid reason, so we are going to see the baby today. They got to come home this morning. Molly and I are in the car right now on our way to see them.

"Molly are you excited to see the baby?" I asked.

"Yes. I love babies. I haven't seen one since I was last at the orphanage." she said.

"Just remember that you have to be gentle. She is very fragile and you don't want to hurt her." I said as we pulled into the driveway. Molly got out of her seat by herself and ran up to the front door. I'm glad she has become less shy and more outgoing. I followed up to the door. She rang the door bell about five times until Luke answered. He told us to come in. As soon as the door opened completely, I saw Katherine sitting on the couch, holding the baby. Molly ran straight up to them.

"What's her name?" she asked.

"This is Brielle. Do you want to hold her?" Katherine asked, smiling brightly. Molly nodded her head rapidly and sat on the couch.

"Remember to support her head." I reminded Molly. Kath handed over the baby as I helped Molly hold her. She is so cute. Brielle smiled and started giggling. I smiled down at her.

"Lisa would you like to talk about the job?" Luke asked. I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. We sat down at the dining room table. (A/N Forgot to mention Luke works as a pediatrician)

"So this job shouldn't be very hard. It's like a receptionist job. All you have to do is sit at the front desk and make sure the kids in the front are entertained." he explained.

"That sounds easy. Thank you so much for getting me this job." I thanked him.

"Really Lisa. This is nothing. You are family to me. If I can help you, then I will. I know how much you and your sisters mean to Katherine. I would do anything to make her happy." he said.

"I'm glad Katherine got a great guy like you." I said. He blushed. I got up from the table and walked back into the living room to see Molly holding the baby and Katherine asleep on the couch. I took Brielle from Molly.

"How about we put this little girl in her bed, then we can go home and eat something. I'm sure Aunt Kath needs some sleep." I told Molly while bringing Brielle to her bed. I left her in her crib and walked back to Luke.

"Hey, I think we are going to go now. Brielle is in her crib." I told him.

"Thanks." he said. I went back into the living room with Molly following. Katherine was awake again.

"Where's the baby?" she asked.

"Don't worry Kath. She's in her bed. I think she fell asleep." I explained.

"Oh thank goodness. She kept me up all night. I haven't slept in two days." she said.

"Get some rest. We will see you soon. Bye Kath." I said, leaving.

Hunter POV

I knew Lisa had gone out, so I went over to her house. I have to make it seem like she is a bad parent. How do I do that? I brought some alcohol and drugs to her house. Don't ask me how I got them. I pulled out the key that is kept underneath her welcome mat. Once I was in her house I went up to find Molly's room. There was a door that had her name on it. I went in and placed the drugs and alcohol all over her room. This looks bad. Molly will be sent back to her foster parents. Once I had finished placing the items, I grabbed my phone and called child services.

"Hello Child Services. How may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"Yes, I am in my sister in laws house and she recently adopted a child. I went up to the child's room and found drugs and alcohol everywhere. I think she is an irresponsible parent and the child needs to be taken away." I explained. I felt kind of guilty saying this. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but Molly needs to go.

"Okay. We will send people over immediately. What is the address?" the lady asked. I gave her the address and hung up. I left as soon as possible. I don't want anyone knowing that I called the people. I got in my car and drove home. Amy was home too. I walked into the kitchen where she was.

"Hey Hunter. Where have you been?" she asked.

"Oh, I was just taking a drive. Needed to clear my head." I said. She nodded and continued making dinner.

***One Hour Later***

"Alright, I'll be right over." I heard Amy say. She picked up her keys and purse.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Lisa's house. We are having a sister meeting." she said. I couldn't help, but feel guilty. I knew what their meeting was going to be about.

Christina POV

My sisters and I were meeting up at Lisa's house. She called everyone and asked if we could meet up. She was crying when she called me, so I immediately grabbed Charlie and rushed out to my car. I drove straight to her house, worrying about what could have happened. Once I got there, I noticed all of my sister's cars there too. I took Charlie inside, without bothering to knock. My sisters were sitting in the living room, trying to get Lisa to calm down. I put Charlie down and went over to them.

"She didn't want to talk until you got here." Katherine said, holding her daughter.

"Lise, what happened?" I asked.

"Molly got sent back to her abusive foster parents. They took her away from me." she cried. I hugged her and tried to comfort her.

"Why would they do that?" Dani asked.

"They told me I was an unfit parent and I was lucky I wasn't going to jail." she said. What could Lisa have done. She has been so loving and caring towards Molly.

"Don't worry Lisa. We will get Molly back no matter what." I said confidently.

A/N Molly's gone. Hopefully Lisa can get her back with the help of her sisters. Hunter feels guilty. What will they do?

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