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Time skip to the end of the date because I can

Josh:I had a great date with y/n I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend I just need to do it in the right moment hopefully she will say yes

No one POV
Josh:hey want me to walk you home?
You:yeah I'd like that
Josh:hey before we go can I ask you something
Josh the grabs both of your hands
Josh:y/n this may seem weird because I just met you but your are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in this whole entire universe and I know this may be a little fast but will you y/n y/l/n(your last name)be my girl friend he said in a very happy tone
You:yes of corse I will be your girl friend you said almost tearing up because your favorite youtuber just asked you y/n to be his girlfriend
Josh:really yes Josh then picked you up spinned you in a circle and then kissed you very passionately that you just can't not kiss back this was the best day of your life

I know I know this was a really short chapter I will try to make longer ones in the future but for now your stuck with these short chapters anyway gtg byeeeeee

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