Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ever since Olivia revealed to me that we were on our way to find Sam, I've been sweating like no tomorrow.

My anxiety was sitting in my gut, eating away at me as we continued walking through the junkyard.

It's been about twenty minutes since Olivia basically forced me to come along with them. So far we've come across nothing but junk.

It was almost like an endless maze.

My hand was clenched into a fist, my fingernails digging into my palm.

Relax, Jake. Relax...

Yeah...easy for you to say.

My wolf was silent and I rolled my eyes.

I swallowed as I followed behind Olivia and Sarah, my heart thumping in my chest. This is my...third attempt at trying to find my mate if you can believe that.

The first time...was from a year ago, back home. There was this girl who I...thought had been my mate, but she chose someone else. After that...there was the confusion with Olivia, and now her twin who I haven't even met.

After believing I've found my mate twice now...I don't think I can handle the rejection of a third.

You and me both, pal. What do you think it is about us that makes girls not like us anyway? My wolf asked.

Probably the fact that we come with a shit ton of baggage.

My wolf rolled his eyes at me and I sighed. Suddenly, I ran smack into Sarah, looking up. Olivia had stopped, causing Sarah to stop.

"Olivia why did -"

"Shh. She's...she's here. I can feel her."

Neither of us said anything and Olivia started running. Sarah started running after her immediately and I was surprised for a moment before taking off after them.

"Olivia! Olivia, wait up!" I yelled.

We ran through aisles of junked cars and other machinery before finally stopping in a large opening in what looked to be the center of the junkyard. Standing there was a small trailer, a dim light on inside. Olivia was staring at the trailer, her eyes glowing softly in the dark of the junkyard.

The three of us were sweaty and a bit dirty from running around and I looked from Olivia to Sarah.

She was standing next to Olivia, wiping at her sweaty face.

"She's...she's in there. I know it," Olivia whispered.

She took a step towards the trailer and I grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Whoa, wait a minute. Let's think this through first."

Olivia pulled her arm away from me.

"Think this through? Jake, she's my twin sister who left me in that hellhole alone eight years ago. There is nothing I need to think about."

I sighed.

"That's what I'm talking about. Are you just going to barge in there and wage war with your sister? Probably not the best plan. Maybe you should think about what it is you want to say first."

Good advice, maybe you should do the same.

I rolled my eyes at my wolf and Olivia chewed on her bottom lip. My insides tugged at that action, my heart skipping a beat.

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