Man why am I running away? Finally the chance is there that Gray is after me and Juvia isn't always after him! I hide behind a black curtain! A full 10 minutes went by...
"What's taking him so long! Maybe he is with Lucy ...", I said disappointed and went out of my hiding place and sat down on my bed! It dripped on my hand, I cried ... Because I was disappointed. I thought Gray-sama secretly loved Juvia, but it's not true! Suddenly the door opened and Juvia looked at the door in shock.
"Juvia, I was looking for you," he said with a grin.
"G..Gray-sa-ma", I stammered.
"Gee, there are so many rooms here and since I don't have a sense of smell like the dogs out there (jap he means Natsu and Gajeel") I couldn't find you so easily," he explained to me.
"I thought you would not come," I said with tears in my eyes. Gray sat down beside me
"But, Juvia, I'm here in front of you now because I like you. No, wrong word, I love you, Juvia," he whispered to me. I could no longer believe my happiness and would be ready to faint, but Gray took my hand and kissed it. He looked me in the face and kissed me on the lips and of course I kissed back, although I was still in shock...