Hornets in My Head

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The rest of the day seemed to drag on as I swoon over my little maniac. The patients that came before Mr.J, that seemed to be so interesting in there twisted serial killer ways, are now just….Just boring. Compared to my guilty pleasure of a patient, these mass murderers seem like they were placed here for steeling candy from a baby.

Why did he want to see me? When did he want to see me? How did he expect me to react to this? What is going to do if I go see him? Would he harm me if I went alone? Is he a danger to me?

These questions swarm around my head like bees, stinging my brain. No, not bees because bees die after a single sting. So these must be hornets. Buzzing and striking my curiosity with each question. Yet I can’t find a logical answer to exterminate my pesty problems.

Sitting at my desk, no longer aware of the stacks of piling paperwork, I hear the buzz of a code card. Snapping me out of my trance I check my watch and see that its nearly 11 o’clock pm. My hours were over at 6, how did I lose track of time with such ease??

I gather my stacks of work and try my best to stuff it in my briefcase. I rub my temple, stessing that there is so much, and I’m supposed to have my weekly reports turned in tomorrow. I haven’t even begun to fill any paperwork out what-so-ever! Welp I guess I’m not sleeping tonight. I give up and just carry the paper work in my hands. I proceed to speed walk as my hair falls out of my bun and my heels click against the concrete floor.

I walk directly under an air vent, and suddenly papers from the file at the top of the stack go flying everywhere. I neal down to collect them, and as I’m gathering the last few papers I see a small square card. Tucking a peice of hair behind my ear, I flip it over, hoping its not what I think it is.

Mr.J’s note.

‘Come and see me sometime -J’

Before I knew it my files were back in my office, and I was speed walking straight to Department J-1. Swiping my code card I stand arms crossed looking into the eyes of my favorite killer.

Snatching the card from my lab coat pocket I fling it on the table. Slamming my hands on the metal surface I ask “now would you like to inform me how this got in my office?”

Grinning madly he replies “oh I put it there my sweets.”

Squinting my eyes and placing a hand on my hip, I try to look menacing. But whats the use when your starring in the face of one of the most wanted men on the FBI’s list? “Wouldn’t the gaurds like to know about this?” Still trying to come off threatning.

“If you were gonna tell them, you already would have,” he states with a cocky grin. “Ya know sweets, your name is wonderous! Harleen Quinzel! If u mess with it a little you get-” I cut him off before he could say it.

“HarleyQuinn, yea like the medival jester. I know I’ve heard it before.” Getting irritated at the fact he called me the one name I used to get teased about by my family and friends when I was younger. I turn around on my heels and say “don’t pull another one of these stunts or I will be obligated to inform the gaurds and you will never get that straight jacket off.”

“Oh Harleen don’t get fussy on me now! You can see why I would relate to this name. It sounds like a friend’s name or someone I could relate to….Maybe someone I could share all my secrets with.”

I stopped in my tracks, turning around to see a smirking joker. I couldn’t resist the temptation ; the natural urge of my theraputic ways.

For the rest of the night we conversed with small talk till it seemed as though he was comfortable enough to share more personal information. “What was it like when you were a child,” I ask trying to sound more cassual than pofessional.

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