• Three •

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Hi MahiMahi,
I like that name, don't you?
I loved when you readed the second note and you smiled again. I think you like my notes, and probably you'll have a smile in your face right now. MahiMahi, you're so cute! I saw you when you helped an older woman to take her glasses because they fell.
Maybe you don't think I'm a boy.. Okay, I'm not a girl, I'm a boy. And this boy likes you.
~A secret admirer.

-When Mahiru reads the note-

Mahiru opens another letter from his admirer.
"Who would be?", thinks. Probably other girl that is obsessed with him. It isn't the first time. But those letters attract him. «Why?».
Mahiru reads the part about the sex of his admirer. His eyes are very open and his cheeks are red. "It's a boy!?" thinks again. But... He smiles, and the secret admirer is seeing him.

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