• Five •

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Hello Mahiru...

I want to talk with you, but I'm so shy and insecure... This note won't be long, I'm a little bit sad, but don't worry.  I don't know what to write, I'll only say that I'm a little jelous of your friend. Don't you see that he wants something more than be your friend?... But don't worry, I will do something with him.

~Bye bye.


POV's Mahiru

I don't know how I ended there, but I saw a boy in the corner of the alley. I went to him and he was crying.

"Hi... are you okay?", the boy lifted his head and his cheeks turned red.

"Mm, ya...", he had a masculine voice and red eyes. Wait. Red eyes?

"What happened?" I asked to him.

"Nothing... my b-brothers told m-me bad words..."


"I don't know..." He was still crying and I dried his cheeks with my hand.

"T-thank you.." He got up and ran away from me.

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