Loved up teens

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Me and Dan are stood in the rain kissing after 5 minutes I get so cold and Danny realises and palls away before grabbing my hand and palling me inside the cinema to see Clair and Holly waiting for us looks like they have the tickets now snacks I guess I we walk over and Get popcorn and Sprite my favourite and then me and Dan walk hand in hand the stairs to the grumpy cinema man who always stands there and checks your tickets he always stops me Holly and Clair and are like have you got ID if he says it this time I'm going to throttle him if he makes us get out our cards again we have these things printed date of birth and picture to get in the Library at school not that anyone actually uses it these Days its like so Cringe we get up and I hand over all of our tickets and like I said here it come..

Man: Have you got ID

Jessie: FUCKING HELL you do this to us everytime if we didn’t look 12 they wouldn’t have given us the tickets I'm 15 this film is a twelve so if you don’t mind we are going in ta..

Man: ID please

Danny: what the fuck though we are all 15 I'm 16 next month geez it’s a tweleve I think we will all be fine watching ‘letters to Juliet’ with out our mummy’s

Man: well we can safly say you too are a good match

Danny: good because I thought so ow give us the other half of the ticket

Man: and like I said ID

Clair: Keep you wig on Granddad your grandchildren are so very lucky to have you (Clair says sarcastically)

Man: I don’t have any kids

Holly: I wonder why..

Jessie: are you letting us in then

Man: ID

Danny: Fine

Danny slams his down and we all follow in doing so

Danny: is that do you want me to strip naked so you can check my balls have dropped or not…

Man: young man I don’t think that’s very appropriate save that for your little Girlfriend

Danny: I swear to god if you weren’t a pensioner you’d be on that floor right now

Man: I'm not a pensioner I’ll have you know I'm only 56 and was that threat

Danny: yeah really and if you every insult my girl again I’ll report you for harassing kids bye

I laugh at what Danny said and we all walk into the cinema laughing and joking we sit at the top me and Dan in the middle Holly and Clair on the other side of me  what a bad film for Holly and Clair to pick a romantic one when I have my boyfriend here they might be a bit cringed out by the end of the film but I don’t care I love him and he loves me that makes good chemistry.


Half way through the film I'm not even on my seat anymore I'm on Danny’s lap as he pulled me on there I didn’t even argue I just did it because I could and because it felt right I suppose then a bot comes on when they are declaring love for each other and Danny looks me deep in the eyes luckily Holly and Clair are far too engaged in the film to bother looking at me and Danny we both lean in and then we share a deep passionate kiss it feels like two minutes but then I hear Holly cough meaningly  and I look at the screen and its rolling the credits oops wow we were kissing for a while I just burry my head in his chest but Clair pulls me up and I grab Danny’s Hand and we all walk down the stairs and out of the cinema after passing sarcastic looks at the Grumpy cinema man and walking out me and Dan yet again hand in hand and we walk through the streets to the bowling ally and we walk up to the counter and luckily its my mum’s friend that works here they always get me to speak when we go bowling.

Helen: Hey Jess you ok?

Jessie: Yeah you err can we have two games for 4

Helen: ahhh so this is the boy your mum was telling me about

Jessie: I guess so, so do you have any lanes

Helen: yeah so its two games for 4 people that’s 44 pounds please Jess

Holly: here you go

Helen: thank you shoe sizes

Jessie: me 6 Holly and Clair 5 and let me Guess Dan 8

Danny: wow your good

Jessie: well you know..yeah so two 5 one 6 and one 8

Helen: here you go lane 11

Jessie: thanks

We all walk off and Down to lane 11 luckily its far away from that desk so my mums friend cant spy on me and tell my mum what we are doing because my mum has snooped enough already in my relationship with Danny we set the game up and Holly goes first then Clair then me then Danny he insisted on going last he got a strike first go through wow he’s good at this.


After an hour both Games had been played Danny won the first and Clair won the second me and Holly sulked a little but then as soon as we walked into Nandos the mood changed comeplty all of us love Nandos sometimes a little much but who can beat a crispy baked chicken and chips no one so there you go me an Holly order that Dan has the typical boy thing and has a cheese burger and clair pasta and a round of cokes after we all finish our food we order another round before getting the bill the bill was passed to Danny and came too 64 pounds and he handed it over to the waiter what.. this was meant to be on me as Holly paid for Bowling and cinema Danny wasn’t meant to pay now I feel bad

Jessie: Danny I was going to pay for that

Danny: or not because I already did

Jessie: yeah but that’s too much dan here have this

Danny: Jess no don’t be stupid ok my treat

Holly: you sure Danny here’s money

Clair: yeah here Danny take it

Danny: no girls no if you put your money away I will take you all to the big shopping center the day after tomorrow and Carry your bags deal

Holly: double deal

Jessie: really you’d do that for me

Danny: of course

Clair: he’s a keeper Jess

Jessie: I know


Hell guys this chapter is dedicated to @LiveloveforMUSIC and @Dannysgirl1104 because I asked them witch one they wanted me to update and they chose this one and they are always there to give me good feedback believe me there stories are incredible read them if you haven’t already thanks for the support guys

Its like your in my head a Jessie J and Danny O'Donoghue Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now