Meeting the Gang

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Suddenly someone taps my shoulder. She had a dark black mane. It looks as if she had a fire mark. " Hey. Im Pinkydie. " She said " This is my gang , RainbowFlash , she's the escaper. And this is AppleJacks she jacks ponys. All we need is one last pony to complete the gang." "The others gone soft." She whispered. I starred at her fire mark. " Gang. " I thought. They all starred at me. Should I? "Yeah sure I'll be part of your gang" I said, trying to act cool. "Your gonna need a cool gang name then. Whats your name"? AppleJacks asked. "M-mmy name is..." Did I forget my name? "Kendra!" Or at least I think thats my name. "Umm... Pinkydie how are we going to turn that into a cool gang name?" Asked RainbowFlash. "How about...Dra , short for dramatic? Oooh you can be the distracter!" She said excitedly. "Its totally perf!" I said , trying to hide my fear. "Well have to get a matching mark." AppleJacks said. After she got the mark she had to die her tail and main black just like the gang.

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