Burn to the Ground

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Ignoring Jeremy's cry of protest, she stepped forward.

"Reese... No." Funtime Foxy turned around, her eyes full of pain.

"No.. Chloe." Reese shook her head slowly.

"How brave." BidyBab's red lips curled into a wicked smile.

"Just do it." Reese mumbled, closing her eyes and bracing herself.

BidyBab gazed at Reese, unsure of how to proceed.

"I think you'd.. You'd..." BidyBab paused and clutched at her chest.

Reese, obviously confused, turned and saw Funtime Freddy's endoskeleton standing in the doorway. He was winding up the tiny music box, only in reverse. London Bridge played backwards and BidyBab fell to the floor, gasping.

"I.. Hate... You." BidyBab glared at Funtime Freddy before falling limp.

Funtime Freddy stalked forward and grabbed her arm, shoving her into the box.

"You were always a pain in the ass." Funtime Freddy growled, closing the lid.

"Reese." Funtime Freddy turned to face her, a little awkwardly. "As soon as I tell you too.. I want you to flick a match at this place. Don't look back. Just leave it to burn."

"I can't.. I can't.." Reese protested, eyes full of uncertainty.

"I trust you with this. You're the security guard. It's best if you doom this place to hell." Funtime Freddy responded glumly.

"Okay.." Reese still sounded uncertain, but her eyes looked determined.

"What will happen.. To us?" Ennard gulped, clutching Funtime Foxy's robotic arm.

"As long as this place is gone, we can rest. All of us." Funtime Foxy reassured her.

Funtime Freddy looked over at Reese and her eyes were full of regret and sadness. "I'd like to talk to Reese.. Before... You know."

"Just make it quick." Funtime Freddy told her softly. Funtime Foxy nodded her understanding and led Reese away to Kid's Cove.

They entered the dark room and sat on the cold floor, facing each other and maintaining an awkward silence.

"I uh.. I.. Found this." Funtime Foxy reached behind her back and held out a small bandanna and eyepatch.

"What.. What is it?" Reese took it from her and turned it over in her hands.

"It's yours." Funtime Foxy smiled weakly. "You wore it here everyday when you visited me."

Reese looked up and saw the Fox looking at her hand. "You kept it? Why?"

"You.. You.. Uh.." She coughed, obviously feeling embarrassed. "You're my best friend."

Reese looked at her, surprised, but have her a broad smile. "I loved it here. You were the best. I'm going to miss you."

Funtime Foxy looked away, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Don't forget about old Funtime Foxy, too fast." She grinned crookedly.

"How could I?" The tears were now brimming in Reese's dark eyes and she leaned forward. She hugged Funtime Foxy, the metal felt cold against her shirt and felt the tears trickle down her cheek.

"Please don't make me all emotional." Funtime Foxy sniffled. "I'll rust."

Reese laughed despite her feelings of dread and disaster and smiled. "It's been fun."

"Indeed it has, mate." Funtime Foxy nodded.

They said their goodbyes. Jeremy bawled while holding Ennard and Springtime Bonnie close to her. Funtime Chica refused to hugged, but Reese could see a gleam of sadness and pain in her eyes.

Funtime Freddy nudged Reese with his metal shoulder, causing him to stumble. The bear laughed and smiled with a bittersweet tone lacing his programmed voice. "Thanks for sticking around."

"I couldn't exactly leave." Reese joked and smirked.

"You'd better get going so you can leave without any suspicions arising." Funtime Freddy nodded towards the double doors.

"Bye, Reese!" Ennard waved, trying to hide her sadness.

"Bye matey!" Funtime Foxy also joined the chorus of goodbyes as the left in a hurry.

"You have the matches?" Jeremy checked.

"Yup." Reese breathed, her breath a smoky haze in the cold night air. She reached into her coat pocket and produced a box of matches Funtime Freddy had stolen from the kitchen and given to her.

"Don't hesitate. It'll make it harder Jeremy advised her sadly. A tear still straying on his rosy cheeks. He doused the grass surrounding the building with gasoline that had been in Reese's car.

Reese slipped a match out of the old carton and breathed out heavily. She didn't want it to end like this. Not with Chole inside. Not so she'd never see her again..

No hesitation.

She ran the Match along the rough black side of the box and a flame came to life, dancing in the moonlight.

"You're my best friend.." She recalled Chloe's words.

She silently thought a prayer for them as she let the match drop at the base of the building.

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