Chapter Twenty

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Once the kids were settled in their beds I turned on my music and relaxed in the tub.

Five minutes into my bath I received a facetime call from Brian.

Phone conversation
Brian: Hey. Why you didn't call me like I told you to
Me: I forgot. I put the kids to bed and now I'm in the tub I just wanna relax
Brian: you should let me come chill with you
Me: okay we can meet at the park. Ion trust you that well
Brian chuckles and says: I understand see you soon.

Once I was done with my bath I called Megan to ask her to come watch the kids and of course she agreed, but not without asking about Chris.

I put on my sweats a t-shirt and my chucks. I grab my things and told Megan bye.

As I walk to the playground I didn't see Brian so I decide to give him five more minutes before leaving.

After five minutes of waiting I decide to leave. As I'm walking towards my car I hear someone yelling my name. I turn around to see Brian running towards me.

"Hey" he says out of breath. I chuckle and said "Hi". He grabs my hands and pulled me towards the park bench.

"Why don't you look happy. Your smile doesn't reach your eyes. The only time your smile reaches your eyes is when your talking to your kids. Why?" He says pulling me next to him. I never realized what he said just might be true.

I was once happy but this past week has been very stressful. With the back and forth with Chris is just tiring.

"Hey emerald" he says interrupting me from my thoughts. "Sorry I never realized it. It's just my ex. I've had a very stressful week" I tell him truthfully. "You deserve to be happy. But if you don't mind me asking what happened with your ex?".

The entire night me and Brian sat on the bench talking. I found out about his ex cheating with his best friend getting pregnant and having an abortion. He's 22. He has a younger sister named rose and a older brother named Ryan which is Mackenzie's dad. I told him about Chris and Megan and brennan. I felt comfortable around him.

"Okay so one time my mom came running out of the restroom screaming spider so I run in there to kill the spider and my little sister and mom is screaming in the hallway. My sister said " my hearts jumping out of my chest" I stopped killing the spider turned around and asked her so rose you have more than one heart." He tells me. That has to be the hardest I have ever laughed in like forever. He stops laughing and stares at me. I feel my cheeks light up in flames.

"There it goes" he says staring me into my eyes. "What" I asked trying so hard to wipe this big ass smile off of my face. "Your smile. It finally touches your eyes. My work here is done." He climbs off of the table and grab my hand. I never realized it was so late until I see the sun.

"See you later emerald" he says caressing the side of my face. I leaned into his touch and sighed. I really didn't want him to go but he said he had to pick up McKenzie.

"I'll call you as soon as I get McKenzie. Okay princess" he said puling me into a hug. I nodded my head and sighed. He kissed my cheek and waited for me to pull off.

Once I made it back home the kids were still sleeping and Megan was in my bed sleep. I climbed in next to her pulled the cover over us and went to sleep.

I was awoken by someone banging on the front door. I walked downstairs and opened the door to see a drunken Chris.
I sighed and pulled him inside. I sat him on the sofa and went to get him a bottled water.

Once he was sober I placed him in the guest room and closed the door. I climbed back into the bed and went to sleep.

"Hey I'm bout to go. Call me" Megan said. She kissed my cheek and headed out. I nodded my head and rolled back over.

"Wake up mommy" Bronson said shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Chris standing in front of me with a tray of food. I sighed and walked into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry emerald okay" he said sitting next to me. I'm so tired of hearing I'm sorry. I'm tired of him I'm just tired.

"Why" I asked him. He ran his hand over his face and said " I was drunk and horny. You weren't giving me none so I went to her to get some". I shook my head and walked into my closet.

"My fucking kids are in this house. I refuse to have sex with you when they are here. I have to go so thanks for the food but may you please step out so I can put my clothes on" I said to him. I'm too done with chris.

While changing my clothes I heard my phone ring. It rung twice then stopped. Once I was done getting dressed I walked into my room to see Chris on NY phone.

"You cheating. You telling me about cheating when you doing the same" Chris yelled. I laughed in his face. "You so fucking dumb Chris no one is cheating on you. I'm not as dumb as you" I yelled in his face.

"Get the fuck out of my face emerald" he yelled in my face. I  pushed his head grabbed my phone and walked out the door. As I was walking out the door that bitch grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall. He grabbed my hands and held them down on my side. "Get the fuck out of my house Chris" I said through gritted teeth. He let my hands go and walked through the door.

Once Chris was gone I called Brian back since Chris dumbass hung up on him. I'm so glad the kids were outside playing with Bella, which is the name we chose for the dog.

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