Chapter 22

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One month later

"Bye mommy" the kids said as they ran into school. I waved back and pulled off once they were safely in the building.

I picked up three of the test and paid for them. I ran to the car and rushed to get home. I missed my period this month. I waited three day before I thought the worst.

Once I made it home I ran into the downstairs restroom and took the tests. I know I'm not alone in this but Brian is so young I'm 26 years old he is only 22 he have things he can do not become a daddy.




Every test read positive. Four kids oh god I need a bigger house. I need a nanny. That's it I'm getting a nanny. I need to tell Brian.

I picked up the phone and told him to come to my house. I slipped off my shoes and sat on the island in the kitchen.

I heard a knock and opened it to Brian. I grabbed his hand and pushed him into the living room.  "What is it baby" he asked once we made it to the sofa. "How do you feel about kids?" I asked playing with my fingers. "I mean yeah but not right now" he said playing with my hand. I nodded my head and climbed off of his lap.

Well I got my answer. I raised all of my kids alone I can raise another. "Well I have to get to work I'll call you on my break" he said before kissing my lips and leaving. I nodded and a stray tear fell from my eyes. That's another fuckboy added to the everlasting list.

As my phone rung I declined it again. Brian has been calling my phone all day. I ignored every call. If he don't wanna be in my child life then he will not be with me. Fuck him. I've dealt with worst than him.

"Are you guys ready to go" I asked the kids. My parents were back and the kids wanted to go stay with them. They nodded their heads and ran to the door.

"Hey mommy" I said as I walked into the kitchen kissing her cheek. "Hey baby. Your glowing. Who is it?" She said examining my face. I chuckled and swatted her hands from my face.

"I'm pregnant"  I mumbled once she settled down. "Four kids wow." She said sitting next to me. I sighed and put my head down. "The kids can stay here until the baby is here we don't want any stress on you" she said rubbing my hair. I nodded and said okay.

"You hate me don't you. Everyone leaves me. My old mommy my daddy now you" sky cried. Angel and Bronson were happy. They love their grandparents. I sighed and pulled her into my lap. "No baby. I just have some things to take care of. A new house. Your own room would you like that." I said bouncing her on my legs. She nodded her and laughed. "You can paint it any color you want" I said putting her on the bed. She nodded her head and kissed my forehead and I did the same.

Once I made it home Brian was sitting on my steps. "Why are you ignoring me emerald" he said standing in front of me. "I'm pregnant okay." I yelled in his face. His face immediately softened. "Y-Your pregnant?" He asked sitting back down. I nodded and sat next to him. "Why didn't you tell me" he ask turning toward me. "You said you didn't want any right now. So I took that and ran with it. I planned to raise this baby on my own I raised the rest" I said to him.

I know what I did was wrong but I don't wanna force a baby on nobody. "That's not your choice its mine" he yelled back. "I know" I sighed in defeat. "Where are the kids?" He asked grabbing my hand and rubbing it. "Their staying at my parents until I have the baby" I said putting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and leaned his head on mine.

We stayed like that for a while until he realized I was sleepy. "Give me your keys" he said picking me up. I wrapped my legs around him and gave him the keys.

Once we where inside I pointed him to my bedroom. Once in my room he stripped me of my clothes and pulled the covers over me. After stripping out of his clothes he climbed in next to me. He kissed my forehead and pulled me close. I wrapped up in his arms and went to sleep.

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