Chapter 22

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Jasmine's pov


I was tied up again. I panicked i didnt want to go through this again he walked in and he started to cut into my skin again. I screamed so loud. Was it just a dream that I got rescued? I started to cry I turned to my left and I saw logan.

"NO LOGAN!" I yelled he was tied up like me. The guy went over and started cutting into him too. I started to cry logan was screaming then the guy grabbed a knife and held it up.

"NO PLEASE NO DONT KILL HIM!" I yelled crying then he slammed the knife into his heart.

"JASMINE WAKE UP!" I heard I shot up and started panting i was sweating everyone was looking at me. I caught my breath and I calmed down.

"I'm fine just bad dream" I said and smiled a fake smiled but I didn't want the to worry much everyone left the room and i looked at logan.

"What time is it" I said

"Two in the morning" he said and i sighed

"Let's go back to sleep we have school in the morning" I said

"Your not going to school" he said

"And why not" I said

"Because it could still be dangerous rogues can pop up anywhere and i cant lose you-" I cut him off

"Logan I've dealt with rogues a crazy guy cutting me open kyle coming back and multiple things over i just want a normal day school is the only normal thing and it keeps me sane" I said and he sighed

"I'm sorry jasmine but no" he said

"It's to risky i cant let you" he said

"To bad" I said and i turned around

"Your not going" he said and growled and i looked at him.

"Logan i understand but I died logan it wasn't fun it's not a good experience to fucking die there was no you none of my friends my parents weren't there..when I got there i didnt think I would ever see you again I was terrified then I found a way then I saw how sad you were you look like you were hit with a truck ten times I touched your shoulder and you felt it so I hugged you and I told you everything was going to be okay and it is Logan i can handle myself okay I know how it is to die and i would do it again if it meant you would be safe i love you logan i do but you can't keep me here I heard alot of Lunas mates did that to them and it didn't work they still ended up getting hurt or killed either way no matter what logan there is going to be danger everywhere we go you can't stop it okay and i want you to be there with me" I said and i rubbed my thumb on his cheek.

"The whole reason there is an alpha and a luna is because there both meant to fight we fight together to help the pack and our pack will fight even if it is meant some people would die during it the soldiers we have why do you think there our soldiers logan" I said

"Because they will do anything and everything to protect this pack there mates and there children and family" he said and i nodded

"Exactly and if I had to die to save anyone in this pack even you I would because that's what Lunas do and I know you would do it to logan" I said

"Yes were mates but we are also the alpha and the luna it's our job to protect them protect the pack and i cant do that if I'm stuck in the house all day" I said and he sighed

"Fine" he said and i smiled

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I said and i kissed him

"But you will either have me Anthony henry spencer stephan or Jax by your side" he said

"Fine" I said and smiled and i hugged him.

"I love you" he said and smiled and i gave him a peck on the lips.

"And i you" I said and he laughed

"And i you?" He said

"Yes" I said and he shook his head and he pulled me into his arms and i smiled. The scent of the woods and fresh mine filled my nose and the sound of his heart beat sent me to sleep once again.

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