Chapter 8

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Fears. There are many different ones, such as spiders or the dark. We defeat them in different ways as well, kill the spider or use a nightlight. My fear is... Well... I have many... I hate thunderstorms. Out all the loud noises I hate, thunderstorms are the worst. The reason I bring them up is because the weather forecasted one, tonight. I'll probably forget about through the course of the day. Speaking of which, I made new friends... if I can call them that. I don't know really. I mean who would be friends with someone like me? That's exactly what I'm thinking as I look in the mirror my hair turning red, my clothes doing the same. It's like having a fight to be honest, it's wants to be blue, but the color red is gaining control. I woke up at Sky's, I do believe that's his name, house. The bed was soft. It was a nice bed. There's a couple people staying here. Such as Barney, Max, Ross, Sean, Shelby, and Ty. Everyone's meeting at Aphmau's house, Aphmau called earlier, before I woke mind you, saying Lucinda wanted to try out a potion on a select few.

When I finally did wake up, take a shower, and all that stuff, we left to Aphmau's house. Her friends, don't expect me to remember them, of course are going to be there. I can remember the people here, and some of the ones who were kidnapped. Not all, but some.


I wasn't feeling well, so I walked outside of Aphmau's and I turned when I heard footsteps, it was S'mores and Lucinda.

"Hey, Lucinda, we'll be right there gather the rest of your test subjects." S'mores said.

S'mores is one of the ones I remember because he's named after a food, "Hi. Does Lucinda want us to go inside?"

"Backyard, actually. Are you are?"

"Yeah just a bit nauseous."

"Have you seen yourself? No wonder why."

"What do you mean?"

"You are not Blue anymore, your Red."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your outfit even changed, so did your eyes and hair."

I looked down, "Your right! How did I not notice?"

"Feeling sick, remember." S'mores said looking back at the house, "We should make our way back."

"Yeah, thanks."


Lucinda gathered a select few: Aphmau, Dante, Ross, Shelby, S'mores, Ty and I. She threw the potion down splashing us and... herself. She didn't know what it did, honestly, so when we were changed into Meif'was, I was surprised.

"So that's what this potion does." Lucinda said, her tail swishing behind her.

"You didn't know what it did?" Shelby squeaked her tail nervously wrapped around her.

S'mores ears were back as all this was going on. I'm sure mine was too. Dante was unsure of this whole situation and went back inside with Aphmau, who dragged Shelby. Lucinda's tail swished around, her ears perked. Ty seem very embarrassed.

"Why did you drag me into this?"

"Sorry guys." She said.

"It's fine." S'mores said, sneezing slightly.

We just stared at him.

"Uh, S'mores..." I start not knowing how to word it.


"You seem to have wings." Lucinda said.

"Really?" S'mores said looking at them, black angel wings, "I'm dead am I?"

"No. No, far from it. Seems when we saved Stacy, we got powers or extensions, such as those wings."

"Lucinda!" Ty yelped, "One of his ears are on fire!!"

Lucinda turned looking at me.

"Oh he seems to be able to control fire, but he's blue?"

"Red, call me Red."

"Oh, you have changed colors. Maybe you can control water to?"


"Let's just get inside and explain."

Sky then ran out, "Hey, you guys coming in or what?"

Ty tried to hide behind someone, his tail wrapped around him, ears folded down.

"I understand the cat ears and tails, but what's with the wings, S'mores?"

"Power?" S'mores shrugged.

"Ty stop hiding." Sky said walking over to him.

Ty suddenly appeared next to S'mores.

"What." Tyler said as she was watching this whole time at a safe distance.

"Really?" Sky said before disappearing and appearing next to Ty.

"Oh dear." Ty said about to run, but Sky grabbed him, dragging him inside.

"Let's get inside." S'mores said.

"Yeah." Lucinda and I agree.


Most everyone slept over at Aphmau's. Sean and Shelby stayed, but Barney Max, Ross, Sky, Ty and I didn't. Before we did though, we were telling stories about our adventures.

I can't remember what most said, but S'mores mentioned a job he once had and how he met two people through it.

Also before everyone left, someone knocked on the door. When Katelyn opened it, it was four people, 2 adults and 2 kids.

"Hey?" Katelyn asked.

"Oh, Felix, Cry." Mark said recognizing the people at the door, "That means... Sam and Tim are here."

"Yeah." Cry said nonchalantly.

"Sam and Tim?" S'mores asks, voice breaking a bit.

"Yeah." Jack said, "Felix and Cry were their babysitters."

"Tim! Do you recognize those voices?" Sam asked excitedly.


Tim and Sam ran in and hugged Jack and Mark. Then they realized S'mores was in the room and ran over to hug him.

"Where'd you go all those years?"

"A-away." S'mores said, voice cracking.

"Sam. Tim. I think S'mores needs to be alone right now." Jack said.

"Let's go outside and chat." Mark said, walking outside with Jack and the children.

Everyone stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Liam got up and hugged him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I left my family when I turned 20... I don't know why..." S'mores sobbed.

"Oh, let's sit on the couch." Liam said sitting down with him.

"Anyone not staying should probably leave." Aphmau said.

"Yeah." I agreed and that's when we left.


Thanks for over 500 reads!! :)

Comments appreciated.

It keeps me motivated.

~ S'mores 

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