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     There were many things Kaitlyn found annoying, and her best-friend Lily was definitely was near the top of the list. Lily was always teasing Kaitlyn about her short-term boyfriend Blake, or as Lily has affectionately named him "Scary Blake." 

     They duo were at lunch with Scary Blake and three of their other friends. Zac, Libby, and Katie. But normal names aren't enough for Lily, and Kaitlyn found this out the hard way when she first invited Lily to their group of friends. "Scary Blake, Kat-ball, the Liberator, Kaitlyn-Senpai, and Zac Atack," she said. Later, Katie said Lily sort of scared her, but the rest of the group said she could be vital to their everyday entertainment. 

     Zac was complaining about the lack of justice in high school, and Kat-ball was debating him with the argument that sexism was more of a problem than the high school monarchy. Lily was shoving her tray towards Scary Blake, and Kaitlyn was wondering what the hell she was doing with her life. Looking at her friends, she realized she was stuck with these idiots for life. Oh well, she thought. She would have to get over it. 

     Lily got out her notebook, and Katie her sketch book. Zac reached in his bag and pulled out a new-looking laptop. Lily worked on her music, as she was always doing when she wasn't goofing off. She always wrote in cursive, as if it was something special shared between artist and art. Katie drew, or practiced. She was over critical of herself and stressed every detail. Zac was working on editing some videos for his channel. 

     Kaitlyn was too busy pondering the meaning of everything when Blake's arms found their place around her waist. She jumped a bit, but soon recovered, smiling and leaning slightly on his large frame. She was the only one in the group with a significant other, although Lily was on the brink on getting herself and Katie a boyfriend. Katie was terrified.

     "What are you thinking about?" Blake's breath was hot and sticky against Kaitlyn's ear, and it made her heart beat a little bit faster. He rested his head on her shoulder, almost as if he was trying to read her thoughts. She smiled and blushed a bit, trying to word her answer correctly.

     "Life... us... friendship... forever... everything really." Kaitlyn tripped over her words, and her voice was small. She wasn't confident in her answer. Not in the least sense. It was nothing like she thought it would be. However, she knew Bake would understand what she was trying to say. He always knew.

     "Oh?" The blond quirked an eyebrow, and Kaitlyn lightly hit his chest before the bell rang. She rolled her eyes, and he stood up. He hugged her quickly before kissing the top of her head. They had different classes. Katie has art, while Lily and Zac headed off to music. Kaitlyn went to Home Ec, and Blake rushed off to wood shop. Kaitlyn didn't like that she'd have to wait until French after Home Ec to see him again, but she had no say in the matter.

     Katie stood up hurriedly and almost ran out of the cafeteria. Art was the only class (other than study hall) she had by herself, and she enjoyed it. She couldn't stand the excitement and loudness of normal places. Kaitlyn understood it; she also had social anxiety. But... Anxiety didn't stop at just social anxiety with Katie. Katie was the most anxious person you'd ever meet, but she was beautiful behind the shyness and quietness. Blake teased her quite often about her quietness. He'd say things like, "You don't need to shout, Katie, jeez," or, "You should try not talking."

     Lily and Zac stood up together, but they weren't a couple. At all. Ever. They were just best friends and always paired up for music class. They were required to perform a short snippet of something every week, and they often did twenty one pilots covers. With Zac on the drums, and Lily working the vocals, they did pretty well. Lily also knew the piano and saxophone, but did the singing for their performances. She always saved original songs for talent shows and musicals. 

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