The One and Only Part

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The phone rang. "Hello," no one answered, "HELLO!" I hung up. All the lights went out... By instinct, I let out a huge scream and ran for dear life to the bathroom, and as soon as I locked the door I heard footsteps. Footsteps nearing me.

There was a brief moment in time where I thought I might as well just stay in here. I'm gonna die anyway. But after a few more seconds of thought, I figured I should just try-- even though there was a chance, a big chance that I would die.

I opened the window, pushed out the screen, then heard a big bang on the door. I turned around, and I was face to face with a man dressed in all black. I stood frozen. My legs felt like jello, and I wasn't sure what to do.

The man and I probably stood staring at each other in shock for five minutes. Which actually surprised me because when you break into someone's house shouldn't you expect to see someone? Then, it came to me. The intruder didn't know I was home and he wasn't after me.

I had a vault in my basement containing hundreds of thousands of dollars I had inherited from my grandparents' recent deaths. Somehow he had knowledge about the money, which meant he had to know about their passing. But how?

I jumped out of the window, hopped in my car, and sped to a nearby grocery store so I wouldn't be alone. I walked into the store and called the police.

Once I was done with my phone call I returned home and by the time I got back the police had arrived. "Hello ma'am." the police said as he approached me.

"Hi-- umm..."

"Sergeant Jones."

"Well, Sergeant. Did you guys manage to find the criminal?"

"By the time we arrived there was no one inside, however, our investigation crew has been able to find some clues."

"Thanks," I responded sounding somewhat sarcastic because when someone breaks into your house and the police tell you that they didn't catch anyone you feel both scared, and well... like you want to punch them in the face. I mean, isn't it their job to catch criminals?

I told Sergeant Jones all about my theory, so he suggested we go check if any money was stolen. The sergeant was the first one in line, following me and a few police. Halfway down the stairs he stopped and put his finger up to his lips indicating we needed to be quiet. After a few seconds, I heard it. There were voices coming from around the corner. Since I definitely didn't have as much athletic ability as them and I wasn't armed with any weapons I decided to sit this one out and go upstairs.

I sat in a kitchen chair for a few minutes, and before long I started to question what was taking them so long. Then, my questioned was answered.

I heard a gunshot. It was possibly it could've come from the police, but at that point in time, I HIGHLY doubted it.

I scrambled to the closest hiding spot I could find, which was an empty cabinet that I never had a use for. Until then. I sat there for a few minutes waiting for a clear coast, and oddly enough before the intruders left I heard them rummaging through my cupboards to find a snack.

"Ooo! Oreos!" one of the burglars grunted.

"Ahh... My favorite. Let's see if there's any milk to go along with it."

"Milk? Dude, forget that! They have Goldfish!"

Yup, and that is what I had to sit there for five minutes listening to-- in a cabinet! Until eventually, and luckily they decided to leave.

After the thieves left, I went to bed because it had been a long, long day. While laying in bed I contemplated what to do about the whole Oreo and Goldfish loving, stupid burglar fiasco.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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