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Terrance Welmaker

"You're coming over tonight?" Mariah asks as we walk out of school and over to the parking lot.

"No, I have to go see Jayln" I say pulling my keys out my pocket, she mumbles something then rolls her eyes. I dismiss it because I really wasn't in the mood to call her out on her immaturity.

"You go see her nearly everyday, when will I hang out with my best friend?" She whines.

"I could ask you the same question" she stops in her tracks and glares at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks getting defensive, I laugh and get in my car

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"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks getting defensive, I laugh and get in my car.

"Nothing M, go enjoy yourself with Quincy I got more important things to worry about and this isn't one of them" I start my car up and wait for her to step back so I can pull out of my parking space.


After signing in I wait for the woman behind the desk to give me the visitors pass. Once she does I begin walking down the hall and into the visitors room. Sitting down at an empty table I patiently wait for them to bring Jayln out.

I look up and see two guards walk in with Jayln holding her upright, they sit her down in the chair across from me and remove her handcuffs.

I look up and see two guards walk in with Jayln holding her upright, they sit her down in the chair across from me and remove her handcuffs

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Taking in her image I grow angry, her body looked so fragile. Her once curly hair was now frizzy as well as thinning and her skin became so pale it looked as if she was lifeless.

"Why are you all dressed up?" she mumbles, I look down at my outfit then back at her, "We had a power point presentation worth 75% of our grade and we had to dress nice for extra credit". Nodding, she begins to fiddle with her fingers as she looks the left of her. "The voices, they've gotten worse and I'm starting to think that I'm losing my mind." Reaching my hand across the table I grab ahold of hers and shake my head no, "Trust me you're not, I promise you that its all a figment of your imagination as well as the medication they have you on"

"Okay enough about me, how have you been?"she says quickly changing the subject. I sit back in my chair and just look at her, the both of us have been going through hell these last three weeks, from Jayln getting tossed in here to the night terrors I have nearly every night down to me waking up in fields covered in blood and not having the slightest clue on how I got there in the first place.

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