3) Fatal

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We decided to meet somewhere nobody would find us, an old abandoned coffee shop on the outskirts of town. We figured people would question him being out. Not to mention they'd definitely question us being together.

The place was all boarded up but the inside still looked like a cafe. Maybe just a little old and dusty. But it wasn't falling apart or anything.

I walk in, the entire place is empty. Guess he's not here yet. I take a seat by a small table.

I began thinking to myself about what I was actually getting myself into. I mean, since when was meeting up with a super villain in a designated spot where nobody could see us ever considered a smart idea? I have a better chance of living by meeting up with a random internet 'friend' rather than this. This was so out of character for me. Just because I talked to him for a little bit last night doesn't mean I gotta practically sacrifice my own safety. But I can't help it, I just have to do this.

As I wait nervously for his arrival, I begin to ask myself a few questions.

Are you really doing all this just to get to know him? To turn him back to good? Of course, I am. I'm a good person, and this is what I do.

Well what makes you think getting to know him will turn him good? Because. He seems like he could use a personal friend, he seems lonely. Unconnected to the world. Besides, never underestimate the power of virtue. A clean soul can send off a lot of influence on another person just by getting to know them.

As I sit there with my head in the palms of my hands, daydreaming into the midst of my thoughts, I could see a pale man with neon hair and purple jacket step in. He's slowly moving towards me, swinging his cane.

His presence is just too overwhelming. My body gives off the urge to freeze up again, but I fight for it to relax.

He groans before taking a seat across from me.

Once again, his presence, his aura, his charisma, everything felt so intense. Seeing him before me like this, with all his attention on me, felt so overbearing.

It's just him and me, me and him. Inside of this coffee shop, all alone. Where each word we dare to speak can echo into nothing but the attendant ear's of one another. That's right, I am both frightened and curious as to what will take forth in this encounter.

I wanted to speak up first but the thread of all my tangled emotions eluded me.

Maybe he notices this, or maybe he's just eager to speak, but he breaks the silence first.

"I must admit, I'm surprised you wanted to hang out." his voice seems rather adenoidal, but in an almost modulate sort of way. "Most females would find my lifestyle to be" he rotates his wrist around while thinking of the word. "....eccentric."

"What can I say?" I shrug. "Extreme personalities intrigue me."

"Is that so?" Geez, whenever he speaks, his eyes burn right through me.

"Yes." I clear my throat. "I'm interested in knowing anything there is to know about you." I immediately regret what I say, realizing it was way too bold of a statement. But instead of getting freaked out, he seems entertained by what I said, and gives off his iconic smile.

"What was your name again?" His eyes are squinted while his mouth hangs open, waiting for my response.

I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Faye Tuller."

He instantly leans in, releasing the most crooked smile. "Well that's a name that can put a smile on my face." I clear my throat nervously.

"Really? Why?"

"Think about it, if you rework it a bit, you get Faye-Tull."

"Like the word meaning deadly? I've never heard that before." I tilt my head, wondering how he even thought of that.

"That's because I'm full of new jokes, sweets." He laughs. " Fatal, that's a name I could get use to."

I cross my arms over my chest. "Believe me, I am anything but that sadistic word."

"Oh don't be mad at me. How would I know? We've only talked about me this entire time of knowing each other." He leans in again, causing my body to feel weak and intimidated. "I want to hear about you."

"About me?" I question anxiously. "Well what's there to know?"

"All the things I haven't already figured out about you." He grins. "As a matter of fact, let me ask some questions."

"Um, ok.. Sure." I nod my head.

"Out of all of your friends, do you consider yourself a heathen?"

"You mean like, non-religious?"

"No, I mean different."

"Oh... Well yes, very different.." He smiles at this.

"How so?"

"Well, they all like to drink, and-and party, and I don't know...I never found myself to be interested in that sort of thing."

"And why not? I'm sure that's how the majority of people your age behave?"

"Well my parents raised me to behave otherwise, I guess." I shake my head. "I'm a pretty boring person honestly. I wish I wasn't. I wish I had a more exotic and interesting personality, you know? Something more to me than just, I dunno, existing... " after I say this he smiles even more. Why is it that it's almost contagious. I feel the need to smile back.. instead I continue talking. "Nobody chose to exist, we just do. Which is why I wish I could make the most of it and not be the dull person I am." Wait wasn't this suppose to be about him? Why am I pouring out all my emotions out to him?

"Believe me when I say, there is probably more to you than you think toots."

"Doubt that." I release in a sigh. I may have sounded depressed but my insides are beaming with a warm sense of joy. Why Faye? I quickly shake the thought away. "But enough about me. I wanna hear more of you. For instance, what's with the tattoo?" I inquire while pointing at the ink on his forehead that read "Damaged".

"This my dear, is the result of a little boy dressed up in a playsuit... or more like a rat-suit now that I think about it." He starts cackling to himself. "Who knew such a strong swing could knock out all my pearly whites." I now realize he was referring to the time Batman beat him up when he murdered Robin, before he was placed into the Arkham Asylum. "This little tattoo of mine is just my little message to Batsy saying 'you've damaged me'. I was so beautiful before and now you've destroyed my face." As he says this, I actually feel a deep sense of empathy.

"I wouldn't say it's destroyed," I tilt my head and examine his grills. I then attempt to comfort him "I think it makes you look mor...compelling." I clear my throat. Did I just compliment his face? He places his hand over his mouth, exposing a tattoo of a smile, probably his original smile.

"Are you sweet talkin' me?" He smirks in an undertoned voice. I stare for a few moments, blinking. Uncertain of what to say. Instead of saying anything, I panic and stand up to leave.

"Look, I think I better go now. We've been here for a while--"

"Going so soon?" He questions.

"Yes. I have a lot of errands to run. Um, I'll see ya--"

"Not- so- fast." He orders harshly, causing me to halt my steps.

I stand still, practically shivering as I feel him snake around my body. He makes another full circle around and stops once he's behind me again. I feel his breath land on my neck, causing chills to spread down to my spine.

"I expect you here in the same spot tomorrow, 3:00."

"O-ok." I stutter then run off. I didn't even bother arguing with him. It was best I stay on his good side.

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