1. Freshman Year- Brothers and Sisters

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Standing in the mirror, I began to give myself a pep talk while I finished getting ready.

"Okay Lena," I said while brushing my long black hair, "you got this. It's only high school. You can do this."

I examined my face, carefully studying my caramel skin and my mud brown eyes. All set to go. I took one final deep breath and walked out the door.

Today was my first day of orientation at East High School. I hugged my mom goodbye and made my way out of the car into the building. I spotted my best friends, Alexa and Wade, amongst the crowd. We've been best friends since 6th grade.

"HEY ALENA!" Wade said, practically jumping on me. Wade is light-skinned, tall, very loud, very gay, and very proud of it. I hugged him back, then hugged Alexa, my yellow-boned beauty of a bestie.

"I missed you guys so much this summer," I said. We headed inside to the cafeteria with the rest of the incoming freshman.

After the principle gave a welcoming speech, everyone was separated into groups that would act as our "homeroom class" for the next two weeks. Alexa and I were put into the same group, along with Wade's brother Chaz. Chaz was two years older than the rest of us and was considered the "big brother" of the group.

The group made its way towards the first class of the day. The teacher made introductions then left us to mingle. The guys separated into their own groups and the girls did the same. That's when I saw him. A tall, cute Hispanic kid with braces, laughing at Chaz's jokes. Who wouldn't?

"He's so cuuute," I said, nodding towards him discreetly. Lex flipped her long sandy brown hair. "He's alright. I like em darker tho. Go say hi."


But of course, with my luck, Chaz called us over to them. I walked slowly, avoiding any accidental eye contact.

"Lena, Lex, this is Raymond. He's my new little brother. Lena and Lex are like my sisters, so you're their brother too," he explained.

Raymond shook Lex's hand. "Nice to meet you." As he held out his hand to me, Chaz said, "No no no. None of that awkward shit. We're family now. We hug around here," he said while grabbing me roughly for a tight hug. We laughed then Raymond held his arms out towards me. Lex nudged me forward and I hugged him. He smells sooo good, I thought to myself. The hug was a little longer than expected.

Afterwards we stayed and joked around more, and I noticed that every time I laughed Raymond would watch me smile. When I caught him a fourth time I made eye contact and he smiled and blushed a little. I died inside.

The rest of the day went just like that, and before long we were being dismissed to go home.
On the way home, I called Lex and we fangirl-ed about Raymond the whole time.

"He was SO into you! I could tell. He kept looking at you even when you were all the way across the room. And I heard him tell that one kid Jason he thought you were cute."

I squealed. "No WAY! Oh my god, I don't even know what to say! I hope things don't get awkward."

"They won't. I bet you guys will be a couple before winter break comes."

"Damn Lex, why so far away?" I laughed.

"Because guys are also scared of making the first move, and we know your chicken ass won't do it. He should grow a pair by then and have the courage to ask you out."

"Fuck you," I said giggling. "But what you said is true." I admitted. Maybe she's right. Maybe I do have a shot. I just hope one of us mans up to take it.

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