3. Freshman Year- Table Mates and Lovebirds

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The following Monday was the first day of school. We got our schedules and compared them. I had every class with Ray and only 3 out of 5 with Alexa. Oh boy.

Our first class was art, and lucky me, we had to sit at tables in alphabetical order. My table consisted of Lex, Ray, Chaz, Wade, and myself. Guess we aren't gonna learn anything in art this year.

The teacher, Mrs. Maston, told us to start with drawing 3D shapes. Simple enough. Throughout the entire period, Chaz and Wade kept us laughing with stories about their goofy family's shenanigans. Pretty soon we were headed towards Algebra, my second class that I also had with Ray. Oh boy.

The teacher, once again, seated us in alphabetical order, two to a table. My stomach dropped. Vasquez and Williams were right next to each other. I looked up and saw that we were the only two who weren't seated. So that means-

"Vasquez and Williams, you'll be at that last table in the back corner," Mrs. Stamos said, walking to the front. I slowly made my way to the back with Ray right on my heels. Gulp.

"Guess we're table mates again, huh?" He said smirking.

"Yeahh guess so haha," I said, trying hard not to stutter. I was so nervous.

I took out my song journal to ease my nerves. My sister and I have this habit where we write down certain quotes from our favorite songs. This is my second one and it's already half full. I began to write down a new quote when I felt breath on my arm. I looked up to see Ray leaning over and reading what I was writing.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked with a small smile.

"Oh nothing. Just some stuff I had in my head. No biggie."

"Can I see it?"

I hesitated, then slid the notebook over to his side of the table. I hope he doesn't realize I wrote those last few while thinking of him, I thought. I looked over and noticed he was writing something. In MY journal. What the hell?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I had one to add. Hope you don't mind," he replied while flashing that million dollar smile. A few seconds later he slid the notebook back. There was a quote from the song "As Long As You Love Me" by Justin Bieber and Big Sean.

"Ask me what's my best side, I stand back and point at you. You, you the one that I argue with, I feel like I need a new girl to be bothered with, But the grass ain't always greener on the other side, It's green where you water it. So I know we got issues baby true, true, true, But I'd rather work on this with you Than to go ahead and start with someone new, As long as you love me."

"That part reminds me of you. Because even though I've only really known you for about two weeks, I can tell you're gonna be the best friend a dude can ask for, despite any arguments we may have," he smiled. I returned the smile, even though I was a little hurt. Just friends?

"Hey! What's with all the chatter, lovebirds? Let's look at the board instead of each other, eh?" Mrs. Stamos called out, causing the whole class to giggle and look back at us. My skin may be brown, but at that moment you couldn't tell me from a tomato.

"Sorry Miss," I said quickly and faced the front for the remainder of the class period.

At lunchtime I showed Alexa the quote and told her what he said. She immediately got angry.

"What the hell does he mean 'best friend'? You could be the best girlfriend he'll ever have!" She kept yelling and I hit her arm.

"Shut up dammit I don't need the world to know I got friend-zoned," I sighed. "Not like we can force anything. Plus I don't think he has a clue about how I feel towards him so we can't blame him. But I'm definitely not gonna tell him. That'll only make things awkward and could ruin any chance of him feeling the same way in the future."

"Good Lord I hate it when you're right," Lex huffed. As we continued talking I had the strangest feeling as though I was being watched. I looked up and noticed Jasmine was spying on us around a corner. This can't be good.

"Yo, bitch, what's up with all the creepy creeper stuff? You like something you see here?" I yelled at her, causing her to jump out of her hiding place. Lex saw her and instantly got angry.

"No, I don't like anything I see. But I'm LOVING what I just heard. It'd be a shame if your little Diego found out about your stupid little crush," she said with a stupid little devil grin.


"No. Fuck her. She's just happy because she found a reason to hate on me. She's probably jealous because I still have more of a shot with him than she does. He hates her," I said, glaring at the bitch.

"Well he won't hate me for long. And he'll certainly like me more than you once I tell him." And with that she ran off to sit with her stupid cronies. This is gonna be one hell of a year.

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