Kendo Sticks and Snow Bunnies (Hajime Saito)

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THWACK! The kendo sticks bounced off of each other. Once, twice more, the wooden blades struck, sliding down to pressure the hilts. Your hands shook slighty from the amount of strength Saito was putting into his swings. Was it just you, or was your training partner going harder on you than usual?

A sharp gaze was the last thing you saw, before his form seemed to disappear altogether. Blunt pain siezed your side, and you froze. Breath visible in the air, you sighed out, "Geez Saito, you win again..."
Said man's left hand returned to his side as he straightened himself. Azure eyes gazed at you contemplatively.
"...What? Something up?" Your feet shifted uneasily under his stare.
"Is something troubling you, (y/n)?"
"Hm?", an eyebrow rose at his seemingly from-out-of-nowhere question. "No, not really... Other than the fact that you seem to be using more than your usual strength against me."

His eyes narrowed slightly, "I have not."
You felt your eyes widen, "What?"
"I've tried to refrain from saying anything, but you seem distracted lately. I assumed you were aware that you were not using your full strength."
(E/c) orbs stared at the ground.

"Shall we take a break?", Saito offered.
You walked out of the open doors of the training room, opting to sit on the ledge outside. Snow littered the earth in thick, glistening layers, coating everything in white. The air fogged up as you exhaled. A few moments later, the dull thump of footsteps alerted you to Saito's presence. You could hear his hakama shifting as he sat beside you.
"...Beautiful, isn't it?" he said after a few moments. "I've always enjoyed snow. Something so pure..."

Your eyes shifted to him. He almost always had that look in his eyes, as if he scrutinized every aspect of the universe surrounding him.
"...Yeah," you breathed out, lamely. To anyone else, the atmosphere might have seemed awkward, but you were comfortable with the silence. You were well aware that Saito was the silent type. It surprised you that he had even attempted to make conversation. You were glad that he wasn't asking about your situation. He knew you would tell him on your own, eventually.

"Would you like to make a snow bunny?", he glanced at you.
You rose a brow, "A what-now?" Saito looked back at the snow.
"Chizuru once showed me," his lips twitched slightly at the memory.

You giggled a bit, "Sure." You leaned your kendo stick against the wall and stood up, Saito rising alongside you. Stepping forward, your feet sank into the icy white substance. A chill ran down your spine, and you shivered.
"Here." Warmth flooded your body as Saito wrapped his scarf tightly around your neck, but not enough for it to be uncomfortable.
"Er- I'm fine, really-" you started, but he only gave a small smile in return. A small blush coated your cheeks, and you hoped that he thought it was from the cold.

The violet-haired man crouched down to gather a small pile of snow in his hands. You watched as he smoothed it down and placed two leaves for ears, and two rocks for eyes.
"...There," he said when he was satisfied, holding his product out to you.
You reached out to take it from him, but stopped when your fingers brushed his. Shooting a quick glance his way, you noticed his eyes were wide, and a blush coated his own cheeks.
"S-sorry," you said, about to release the bunny, but he dropped it into your hands.
"Think nothing of it," he breathed out, suddenly finding the ground interesting. Noticing your downcast look, he was quick to fix his mistake, "Er- that's not.."

You shook your head, smiling ruefully. "It's ok, Saito. I understand." Turning on your heel, you started to walk off, cradling the snow bunny to your chest. "Thank you for the bunny-" you were cut short as arms wrapped around your figure from behind.
"...Hajime," he breathed out, next to your ear. Warmth flowed to your cheeks, eyes widening slightly. Another smile broke out onto your features, this one jovial.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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