A Curse. A Monster

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This story I will actually make. Anyway that ☝is the wizard.
Hope u like my story.

(Y/N Pov)

"Hahahaaa.. " I say while running away from the Baker. Once you finished your prank, you had to run in order to not be scolded and didn't want another lecture.
While running you bump into the towns wizard, who is feared by all. I start to back away, but before I could even turn around he starts to chant some words that I could always understand while other can not. "Thou who hurt me, will for there be, anew, turned, into a creature of a new feature, this child shall be half demon, for this child is now cursed."
'Oh no' he got me before I could scream and then all of a sudden I felt a pain on my left shoulder. I look over at it and see a pentagram on it. Once the pain dulled I looked over at the wizard to see that he looked... sorry at me. I gave him a confused look before he started to run away. Like my friends say I am curious like a Kitty, so I start to follow him. Only to end up on front of a little cabin. I knock on the door for awhile and wait for him to open up.
Finally, he opens it up, but only big enough to look at me, I ask, "Umm.. Sir, are you OK? I mean yeah I know you just cursed me but you didnt look happy about that, you kinda looked, how do i say it, sorry." He allowed me to come in. He had me sit down at a table with two chairs. He goes to open his mouth but before he could he started to cry and say that he was sorry over and over. He looked to be about 35 and had brown hair, pinkish-brown eyes, and a big scar looking thing on his cheek. Around 6'11" and is wearing a simple shirt and pair of pants. "Calm down, it's OK. Not like the world is going to end am I right?" He looks up at me and says sorry one last time before clearing his throat. "Why are you here?" He asked me. "Well your the one who put a curse on me and the one who just said sorry while crying." I said while holding a smug grin on my face. He turns his head away and goes to stand up, but before he could finish we hear bashing on the door. "Open up, we know you are hiding in there Wizard!" He gets up and pushes me towards a closet and tells me to get in there. I get in and he tells me, "Please, keep it safe for me, and when I die you'll receive a gift and information about you." I nod my head, then he puts a ring on my finger and closes the closet door.
I peek my head out when I hear the coast is clear. Only to find that everything is destroyed and mangled. Running to the door, unlocking it, and running out was easy enough. Now to get back home. The mark on my shoulder starts to vibrate and before I could do anything a little wolf sat in front of me. "Awwwww... your so cute!" I say, it barks at me. It has bright yellow eyes and pitch black fur,and by the looks of it it's a female. "I'll call you Midnight. How does that sound?" I-... Midnight barks back at me and starts to run to the village. I follow her and at an amazing speed, and I almost feel like this is natural. Making it to the village I rush home, only hear a gun shot. Following where I heard it, I see that some Man had shot Midnight. I start to feel somewhat... MAD!!! So I do any reasonable person would do if someone killed your pet. I attacked the Man. Before I landed on him though I hear a squishing sound. Turning my head I see that Midnight is alive and well, and smashing and biting peoples skulls. 'Good girl' I thought. 'Thank you, (Y/N)' I hear Midnight in my head, how I k is it's her, is I have no idea. So... We can comuticate huh? Neat. Quickly focusing back to my fight I was about to be hit and put my hand up when all of a sudden a dark flash appeared in front of me. I open my eyes to see a woman in front of me. She had Long Blonde hair and Blue eyes. Her clothing was really pretty. She turned around and bowed down to me whilst saying, "I am sorry for not coming sooner, Master. I will now defend you so please leave this village until Midnight and I come and retrieve you." I nod my head and run to this tree in the woods that had a hollow inside that was big enough to fit 10 people.
After waiting for awhile I finally hear a pair of feet walk towards the tree. Thinking it to be Midnight and the Lady I step out of the hollow expecting it to be them, only to find a guy that had blue hair and blue eyes. In a blink of an eye he had me pinned on the ground and started to touch my body in areas that I don't feel like sharing. He had finally said, "Finally, a pretty little girl, *Sniff-sniff*and a half demoness at it to. I needed a new fun play toy." My body started to shake, "Awww... little girl scared." He taunted. "No..." I say, "I'm pissed off." After saying those words he flew off and hit a tree. This power I feel in me seems so natural. I smile a real big scary smile, and laugh. Standing up I look towards him and say, "You shouldn't of have messed with me, after all, I can kill you with a bat of an eye." Finally, I rip him in half. That actually felt scary, but I feel fine. He deserved it, cause he did try to molest me. "Master/(Y/N)!" I turn my head and see Midnight and the Lady running towards me.
They make it towards me and slow down to a halt. I question the Lady, "What is you name?" "Lillith, my name is Lillith, Master." She answered with small smile. I smiled back and started to walk away. They both walked behind me. Today, a new group emerges...

The Three Demons


I think I did a good job on this. Anyway if you know where I got the name from you are a very good person and you are now my friend.

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