The Strange Group. Sins?

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The picture is of Lillith, you will get to see Midnight in the next chapter.
[(Y/n) Pov]

"Please no! I have kids!" the latest victim cried. "*giggle* Aww boo hoo hoo, the grown man is crying. Look here crybaby, you brought this upon yourself when you killed all of those little girls." I said with a innocent grin on my face. You could call me Killer. Monster. Nutcase. Heck, you could call me a Psychopath. But all I really am is one of 'The Three Demons'.
After killing the crybaby, me and my two friends, Midnight and Lillith, went off before we we're caught. Sooner or later we we're walking in the woods to gather up some berries and fruit to eat, while Midnight got some fish from a nearby stream. Once all the food was collected, we decided to set camp up for tonight. "I can't believe it has been almost a year, can you guys." Midnight had asked. Lillith and I 'hmm' in response.
Waking up in the morning is a very difficult task, specially if it has been hours since you have woken up. Siting up I notice that one Midnight is right by me, and two is that Lillith is... laughing? "What?" I ask. The only response is a dismissal wave from her left hand. Feeling my head to see the damage, I find that my hair is messy and dirty, with a lot of snarls in it. Must of had a nightmare... Na I cause nightmares. Walking towards the river my ring starts to glow. Hey, this is the ring the Wizard gave me. Before I could blink, the ring was off and it had turned into a... Book!? Why the hell is a ring turning into a book!
I carefully grab the book and open it. Reading the title it says, "(L/n)'s Family History". What? Why is this here, I could be sworn this burned when I was a kid. I forgot to mention, I was adopted when I was 5 cause my previous parents were killed by some Holy Knights. Probably explains my hatred towards Holy Knights. Before I could read the first page I heard my name being called quickly I wahsed myself off and got dressed. Puting the book in my bag I ran towards the clearing we were residing in. Making it there I saw a huge green pig walking by with a tavern on top of it.
"Why, hello there!" I heard a girly voice say. Looking closely at the tavern I saw a girl standing there. Now we dont mean to be rude, but we kinda set camp on a mountain tjat resides by a village. Before I could respond the gigantic pig started to burrow into the ground,now noticing what a huge face that this is unbeleivable. Now the pig was in the ground and the tavern stood thaere as if it was there for a while. Telling Midnight and Lillith that we cant let them know who we are unless of an important problem. So we walked up to the tavern and walked in. Standing there was a group of about six people and a pig. "Hello, welcome to the Boar Hat!" Lillith answered, "Please to meet you, but what is going on here."
A boy with blonde hair and looks around 12, walks up and explains that he owns this tavern, and a white haired girl that looks familiar tells us that they also wanted to gather information on a group. Midnight, now you see... Midnight is a wolf so when she talked that surprised them, Midnight said, "What group are you looking for?" They all looked at her and I swear I saw one of them smile. "Well," the white haired girls said, "we are looking for a group called, 'The Three Demons'." Huh? Why are they looking for us. "That would be us, why are you looking for us." They all shared a shocked face while one of them said, "Well, we heard that one of them is an (L/n). We wanted to ask her and the rest of her group if they wanted to join us, the Sins." Lillith just smiles and asks what, Midnight starts to shrink, and I.. I just stand stiff. Both of my friends move in front of me and tells me to give a command. But all I could say was to catch, and I fell into a deep... deep... deep... sleep.
I wake up in an unfamiliar room. Actually I'm floating in a pitch black area. Hehehe... heh. The book that had came from the ring appeared in front of me. I decided to read it, besides I have nothing else to do. Reading threw it I learned a lot of stuff about my family. That I'm actually the Princess of Demons, that I am also the daughter of Celestia, the goddess of Music. I continue to read and discover spells and magic that I can do. So I learn all that I can. The book dissapeares just like how it appeared. "Master/(Y/n)!" I can hear my name, but faintly. It seems to be getting louder and louder. OK this hurt my ears. Now my entire body hurts. Help me. Help. HELP.
I sit up and take huge breaths. I hug Lillith seeming that she is closest to me. I cry into her shoulder telling her that I know who I am now and that I am ready to defend this world. She smiles and helps me stand up. I look around and see the Strange group, or Sins I should say. Although one of them is half-demon, and now I know who the white haired girl is. She's my cousin. How is cause she is my aunts, Eve the goddess of light and healing, daughter. I look towards Elizabeth and smile. Her memory has been swept clean from when she was young. I walk towards hee and put two fingers in her head. She starts to twitch and shake a little. She falls to the ground and I pick her up. The sins go to attack, but before the could we heard a stop. We all look towards Elizabeth and hear her say, "Stop, please don't attack my Cousin." I smile at her and she Smiles at me. "Cousin!" They all exclaimed.
After a while we introduced our selves and I told everyone about how I am related to Elizabeth, bad about me being the Princess of Demons. And that I am the daughter of Celestia. We all talked and had fun. I learned the the half-demons name is Meliodas. Today was fun. We all got tired and went to bed. Lillith, Midnight, and I shared a room with Elizabeth. We all talked and had girl talk before going to bed. Looks like it will be a fun time hanging with theses guys.

Oh how right she was.

Hello my little wolves and foxes. How do think of the story so far. I wrote this in a day and had a few troubles with typing and writing so plz ignore the mistakes. Anyway, hit it Midnight.

Midnight: Taylor does not own The Seven Deadly Sins. Thank you.

Taylor:See ya my little Wolves and Foxes

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