Two Beings In Love: Chapter Two

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I couldn't believe this was happening, I'm so madly in love with him I couldn't handle it. Dan wrapped his arms around me so tight I could almost feel him pulse. I felt Dans lips drift from mine. There was a tug at my arm, I could see dans figure standing in front of me.


My heart was pounding. We made our way down the hallway into his bedroom. Before he could lay down I pulled his tee shirt off revealing his slim, adorable body. He did the same to me we fell onto his bed, still losing. I lay on top o him and pulled the sheets over my back to keep us both warm.


I was drowned in disbelief to what was happening. I felt a tear drop into my face. He was crying.

"are you okay?" I asked plucking away from our moment.

"yes, I'm just-this, I can't believe it is happening. I love you so much. So, much." He replied with an adorable passion.

I smiled and kissed him in a silent response.

I kissed his neck fro what seemed like hours. I felt like I was on top of the world. He pushed me down so I was lying flat on the bed. He lowered himself closer to me. Every part of our skin was now touching. He curled off one side and wrapped his arms around me. I loved this. This moment. We were no longer Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil, now we were two beings in love.


It was perfect. We expressed our love for each other in the most beautiful way possible. We both lay there in one tired and sweaty ball. Our legs interlocked and our hands almost woven together. It was amazing. I love him. He loves me. This is perfect. We are perfect. Now, we are two beings in love.

To be continued... ❤️

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