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The school bell rang and I was using the rim of my blouse to clean my spectacles as I entered the music studio. "Attention!" The monitor shouted and the students stood up to face me. "Good morning Miss Song," The class mourned.

I am Song Jaeri, 30 years old and a music teacher in my alma mater, Shinhwa High. To simply summarize my career, I am not exactly the kind of teacher students hate nor the kind that students like. I was more of the kind that students love to bully. There are reasons. Firstly, I'm not exceptionally pretty unlike some other teachers. And secondly, I'm 30 and I'm still single, no boyfriend whatsoever. Therefore a clear reason why these kids like to pick on me.

"All right class, the head of the aesthetics department told me that for today, I have to share with you guys a song from another country that speaks to us teachers," my statement made the class moan but I decided to play the song anyway.

(The song's from the media -only first verse and chorus)

我听见远方 下课钟声响起

爱上你的時候 还不懂感情
离别了 才觉得刻骨铭心
为什么沒有发现 遇见了你

是谁 风里雨里 一直默默守护在原地

原来你是 我最想留住的幸运
原来我们 和爱情曾经靠得那么近
那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨
一幕幕都是你 一沉不染的真心

可我也失去 为你泪流满面的权利
但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼

As the song went on, I suddenly felt a surge of emotions and tears started welling up in my eyes. I turned away from the class to wipe off my tears before facing the students again but it was of no use. More tears started flowing. As a teacher, I looked more pathetic than ever.

"Miss Song? Are you alright?" A student asked and I gave her a bitter smile as my reply. "This Chinese song is called 小幸运. It expresses from a girl's point of view of her regrets of leaving her first love that she met during her youth. And...This song really means a lot to me," I was finally able to pronounce my words clearly after calming down.

"Miss Song, did you just say 'first love'?" A student enquired and for once, the class looked eager. If I wanted to grab the students' attention, this might be the one and only chance. I suggested, "What about I tell you a story of an average girl, and something that happened during our times. 我的少女时代."


In the 1990s, smart phones did not exist yet. That means if our alarm clocks malfunction, we had to bear the consequences.

"WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEAD!" My mum shook me up and I looked at the clock. I stared at the clock with my mouth agape, I was going to be late! I rolled off the bed and landed on the ground with a loud "thud". I groaned as I slugged on my uniform and tied up my hair in a messy pig tail. I brushed my teeth and got ready my school bag.

Shinhwa High had always been near my home. I got out my bike and was ready to set off when I caught sight of a group of 7 boys. All of them were rich, handsome, smart and were all school councilors. As if they couldn't be even more perfect, they were all from the top boy class 301. They were looking at my direction with big smiles. Thinking they were greeting me, I was about to approach them when they suddenly ran to the person behind me.

"Hi Stephanie!"

"Good morning Stephanie!"

"Want to go out after school?"

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