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I got ready my back pack for the camp and excitedly went to the gate of Kai's house. "Kai oppa!" I waved when I saw Kai locking up the gate. Kai chuckled and slung his arm over my shoulder. "Good morning Jaeri," Kai greeted. Since Kai and I lived along the same neighborhood, we decided to walk to the main gathering point together, Suho's house.

I heard from the members that Suho was the richest amongst all of us. When I arrived in front of their house. I guess they were right. His house was huge.

When everyone gathered, I noticed I was not the only girl. Stephanie was amongst them too. She ran towards us being the latest and she was panting. "I'm sorry I'm late," Stephanie started, "I'll explain to you guys later but now we have to run."

The boys gave her questioning stares when we heard a high pitched shriek from behind us, "STEPHANIE!!!"

We turned around to see Emily charging towards us. Was she invited too? Stephanie was tugging the sleeve of the nearest member who happened to be Tao. "It's ok, we'll handle her," Tao reassured and the rest of the members cast her sympathetic glances.

Emily reached where we were and she was also catching her breath. "What brings you here?" Suho asked. "I bumped into Stephanie earlier today and I heard you guys were having a camp so I wanted to join you. Can I? Pretty please?" Emily started batting her eyelashes while the members kept their poker faces.

"Emily, we have very limited transport means to get to our camp site, I don't think we can house one more person for the trip," Chanyeol tried to explain. "Yeah, we only have 7 bikes and our tents has limited spaces too," Kris added, "And besides, you didn't really pack anything. Our camp is going to be two days one night you know."

"But Stephanie will be the only girl!" Emily exclaimed, "And I'm her closest friend! I want to accompany her so she'll feel more comfortable during the trip."

"Emily? I'm a girl too you know..." I spoke up and Emily suddenly let out a snort. "You?!? Why would you be invited?"

The members started frowning. "If that's the case, why should we invite you Emily?" DO retaliated. "Emily, I knew you were the one who reported the members and Jaeri for the campaign," I was surprised when Stephanie confronted Emily, "So stop acting innocent. I knew why you wanted to be friends with me. If you want boys to like you or you want to be popular, stop sticking onto me."

Emily looked shocked. She looked towards me and was about to say something when Kai spoke up, "Also, stop despising Jaeri. She might not be the school belle but all of us are here today because of her. She might not be who you think is the prettiest nor the most popular but at least she's not a leech who sucks up from other people for her own gain. Jaeri brought us back together, what have you done?"

I felt my heart skip a beat when Kai said all that. He actually defended me. Emily huffed and stormed away, causing everyone to sigh in relief.

"Now that she's gone, we'll officially decide our transport means," Suho announced as we went into the garage of his home.

I was surprised there were really seven motor bikes in the garage, along with a few posh cars. "Ok, so Suho and his brother has a bike each, Tao has one, Kai has one, Sehun has one, Kris has one and I have one too," Xiumin pointed out as the rest of us confirmed the owners of the bikes.

"And the keys are all with me," Kris raised up his hand, "The two girls will be passengers and amongst us, there has to be six drivers."

And to decide that, they were casting each other death glares as if a showdown was to happen. But instead, they gathered around in a circle.

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