In the Rainbow Factory

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In the Rainbow Factory a new Pegasus come to the Rainbow Factory.

"Why you are new mare?" the boss Rainbow Dash said to her.

"WHAT YOUR NAME!" she said very loudly.

"I'm ShadowFang!" ShadowFang said.

"Ok ShadowFang you will be working with Maya."

So ShadowFang was flying to find Maya until she saw her working on a pony color mixer.

"What are you doing?" ShadowFang asked Maya.

"Oh this is a color mixer it's mix pony blood color into rainbows." Maya said

"Cool! But i'm new here?"

"Oh so what do you need?"

"Were is Maya?"

"I'm Maya and you are ShadowFang?"


"Good can you find a other pony for the next color taking? Pls." Maya was pointing at the live ponies sign.

"Ok." ShadowFang was flying to the lifer. Than it pick a white

Sellen wearing black and green headphones on his ears than a

Light started flashing it said.

Name: Deadlox

Tape: White sellen

Wear: Green and black headphones

Tape of pony: Unicorn

Other: His color could not work due for being white.

"Digit! No color?" Maya said grabbing Deadlox on the hoof.

"I'm sorry i'm not colorful!" He said crying.

"It ok. let's see if you have colorful blood." Maya putting Deadlox on a blood taker thing and scanning him.

"Oh you do have colorful blood!" Maya said

Than a knife that was used by a machine and than ShadowFang look and saw a blue pony looking around.

"Who that?" she said to Maya

"Who him he the co-boss Bronydanceparty and Wooden toaster or Glase."

The knife want in to Deadlox than a color machine came and took his blood.

"Will this is cool!" ShadowFang look at the grey color body and then 2 workers come and got him.

Deadlox was dead and so he want on a pask of bodies than was gone.

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