Meeting Them

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Jeff The Killer (You're 6)

You were in your room playing dolls, like always, you've been a lonely girl, no one in the neighborhood has been your friend, but this one boy, but still he's with his Dad that visited Japan.

You were tired, you fix your dolls and put them where ever they were, you fix yourself and went to bed, it was fine until you heard thw window open, you open your eyes and saw a guy with a white hoodie, and with blood stains, and a carved smile, it was pretty, you never thought you'll meet a guy like him.

"You're pretty!" You pointed at him.

"What? Kid, am I just hearing things? Or something?" He asked confused.

"Nope, you're beautiful." You smiled.

"Kid, I like it when people call me beautiful, but it made me felt bad about to make you Go To Sleep." He said.

"Okay? Can you come tomorrow?" You asked.
"Sure, I'm Jeff." He introuduced himself.

"I'm (Name)!" You said and he left and you fell asleep..

BEN Drowned (You're 5)

You were watching your cousin play video games, like always, whenever he defeated someone you'll be "Yaayyyy" the clap-clap-clap, whenever it glitches, you got tantrum and will start crying.

You wanna play video games but you weren't allowed until your 7 or 8 or 9 or whatever, the game your cousin was playing started glitching, you started crying.

"(Name)...I can't do anything about the glitching, I don't even know why that old guy gave me this..." He said while holding a Majoras Mask.

"You shouldn't have done that..." Popped on the screen of te TV.

"What the..." Your cousin said, you kept crying though.

"*Sniff* But...(Name) wants to see more 'bang' and 'swoosh' and more!" (You talk on third person), you said between your sobs.

Then a boy that looked like Link but with black eyes and red irises had came out of the TV, he looks like Link so it made you happy.

"You have met your terri-" He was cut off by you.

"(Name) saw Link! (Name) saw Link!" You shouted, it made you happy but it made him angry.

"Ugghhh children, your lucky that kid made me angry or I would have killed you!" He said and went in the TV.

"What just happened?" Your cousin whispered and you just kept shouting '(Name) saw Link, (Name) saw Link' again and again until you fell asleep.

Ticci Toby (You're 9)

Your parents have abandoned you, and you can't do anything about it, you just kept crying.

You just stayed at same spot they left you, you can't help but to be sad, your parents packed a lot of food and clothes so you won't be bothered to come back.

"Mom, Dad, why?" You silently cried.

"K-kid, wh-what *twitch* a-are you d-d-doing here *twitch*, wh-where are y-your p-parents?" He asked.

"They left me, I guess they hate me..." You said whispering the last part.

"Wh-why *twitch* w-would *twitch* th-they d-do that?" He asked.

'Is he dumb or something?!' You thought.

"They hate me..." You said.

"O-Okay, d-do y-you *twitch* wanna c-come wit-h *twitch* me?" He asked.

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