Chapter 1: I'm gonna die today!

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Mayu's POV

I was walking around the school while talking to my bestie on the phone. We were arguing about vampires. She's saying that they exist and that they are real but I denied and said that its just a legend or something. I stop in front of the music room and open the door. "I told you they're not rea--" I stopped talking as I was staring at the scene before me with wide eyes. There, in front of me, a girl was on the floor with 6 guys sucking her blood. "Oi Mayu! You there?" My friend ask from the phone.

"T-They'r-re....r-real..." I stutter in shock. "See? I told you they're real. Now, what made you agree with me?" She ask. Before the people in the room got a chance to say anything, I ran away fast. "OMG!!! You're right! They are real, Airi!" I yelled on the phone. "Wait, what's wrong? What happened?! Why are you yelling?!" She yelled back at me in worry. "They're real! I just saw--" My phone was snatched away before I had the chance to tell her.

"Hey!" I yell at the person but soon shut up as it was one of the guys from that room. He crushed my phone and threw away the broken pieces. "Why did you do that for?!" I yell at the guy. How dare he just crush my phone! He walk closer and I step back in fear. Okay now I regret yelling at him. Time to run. I turn the other way to run but bumped into someone and fell on the floor.

I groan in pain and look up to see that I bumped into another guy from that room. I'm dead. Its confirmed. I'm gonna die! R.I.P me. Bye mom. Bye dad. Bye Airi. Bye everyone. Bye softie my bear. I close my eyes and said farewell to everyone in my head.

"You smell sweet. Let me taste you." Someone licked my shoulder and soon sharp fangs dug into my skin. I scream at the pain and push the guy away while getting up from the floor and I ran away. I look at my shoulder and saw that I was bleeding badly. Great. I can't call anyone as my phone's been crushed by one of them. Ugh! Can this day get any worse?

As I was running, I bump into someone and fell down on the floor. What's with me bumping people today?! I look up and saw that I had bumped into a group of guys. I stood up from the floor and bowed. "Sorry for that. I wasn't looking where I was walk-running." I said.

"Hm...its okay." The blonde guy hugged me, which surprised me and made me blush. But what he did next made me push him away. He licked off the blood from my shoulder! "You're sweet. Let me have some more." The blonde guy said. And the group together, advanced towards me. Oh no. Another group of vampires!!! I'm seriously gonna die today!!!

I turn to my heels and ran away from them but ahead of me were the group of vampires from that room. I stop and turn around and proceed to run the other way but stopped as the group of vampires I bumped into just now were ahead of me. Great. Two vampires groups are either on my side. They have cornered me and... I'M GONNA DIE!!!

"If it isn't the annoying Mukami brothers." A guy from the other side tsk'ed as he look at the other group of guys. I look to the side. Mukami brothers? "Hm...if it isn't the pathetic Sakamaki brothers." A guy from the other side scowl at the other group of guys. I look to the other side. Sakamaki brothers? I slid down the floor silently. I'm gonna die today...

"What are you doing with Ore-sama's property?!" A guy yanked me up as he pull me towards him. Property?! "She's not yours to begin with. She belongs to us now." A guy from the other side pull me towards him. But the other guy had took a hold of my hand. Now they're having a pulling session. This is pissing me off.

"Quit pulling me! I'm not a rope!" I yell loudly. They stop pulling but didn't let go of my hands. I yank my hands away from them and took a look at my hands to see them all bruised. Great. Now they're blue and purple.

I glare at the two groups. "I'm nobody's property and I don't belong to any of you guys. I just came here to study not to be someone's property. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend." I push pass the guys and walk ahead to my next class.

||3rd person POV||

The Sakamaki brothers and the Mukami's stared at the girl as she walk away from them. "She's...interesting." Yuma said as he stare at the disappearing form of the girl. "Not to mention, tasty." Kou said as he lick his lips. He can still feel the sweet taste of her blood lingering in his mouth. Ayato snap his head towards Kou. "You what?! How dare you drink the blood of Ore-sama's property?!" Ayato yell at him.

"It was quite tempting and her shoulder was already bleeding so I decided to clean it off." Kou said with a shrug. This made Ayato snap. He punch Kou in the jaw and Kou fell down on the floor. "Don't touch Ore-sama's property." Ayato growl at Kou.

"She's no one's property. She said so herself." Yuma said. Ayato smirk. "Oh. She will be...soon." Ayato said and disappeared, along with the other brothers.

Ruki tsk'ed. "Pathetic brothers." He said. "He dare have the guts to punch me. I'll get him next time." Kou said as he stood up from the floor. "But that girl...she really is something." Yuma said. Ruki agreed. "Yeah. We'll have to keep an eye on her." He said. They agreed and they too left the scene.


First chapter is out!~ I don't know if I'm good or not but I tried my best~ I know I've been saying this every time I write a story but um...I haven't watched DL either...I know...I suck...°^°...I won't be using the exact dialogues and I don't know most of the plots so I'll just write the story my own way~ Please don't hate me if its not anywhere good!~ >^<

Peace out!~


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