Chapter 5

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"It was senior year and I was feeling the freedom. I had always had a crush on him so naturally when he showed interest I was blinded. I was naïve and let him get to me. I ended up pregnant for most of senior year. I told John and he refused to have anything to do with Cole. I was heartbroken at the thought and had a hard time forgiving him. During the nine months I found peace and love in the Lord I had never had even though I had been labeled a Christian. My parents were disappointed and pushed me to the side. When Cole was about two months old I couldn't handle the disapproving stares anymore and my aunt was kind enough to welcome me with open arms. I lived with her and worked while she kept Cole for almost two years before she pasted away a couple of months ago. Then I met Raely." Aubrey holds her head up not letting the negative thoughts get to her.

"Wow, I'm sorry. That is a lot to go through." She can here the sincerity in Jedediah's voice.

"I realize that I did wrong but I don't regret it because without the journey it created I would still be the lost girl that had a Christian label."

"You have done a outstanding job with Cole." He looks into her eyes seeing the emotions and thoughts draws him to her more.

"Thanks I've done the best I can."

"He fits in with the other kids like he was born here. In honesty he reminds me of myself when I was a kid." Jedediah smiles at her curious gaze.

"How's that?" Her voice is smooth and curious as her eyes shine bright.

"I was always my cousins around when I was his age. I used to be quiet like he is until I got in school and my brothers weren't there to talk for me."

"So it isn't a bad thing that he doesn't chatter all the time?" Aubrey felt stupid asking a random cowboy a question like that, but it couldn't hurt right?

"Well I'm not a doc, but I think I turned out okay." They laugh together breaking farther. "So how long do you think you will be here?"

"I don't know. I guess as long as Raely needs me although I feel bad about just moving in."

"I can tell you that they both are so happy to have you that they don't care that you are living with them." He tells her.

"So how many siblings do you have?"

"I have a older sister and a younger brother."

"Seems like it would be crazy with two boys. I just had one older brother and a little sister."

Jedediah chuckles, "I guess growing up in it it didn't feel that crazy." He comments. The conversation falls flat as they turn back towards the boss' house. At the door Jedediah holds it open for her before stepping in and taking his hat off.

"Momma!" Cole declares running up to Aubrey with his childish smile.

"Hey big boy! Did you have fun?"

"Yeah! Jedediah will you hold me?" The question catches both Aubrey and Jedediah off guard, but Jedediah gladly takes the little one. He always love kids and by the grace of God they usually love him.

"Of course I will." He holds Cole in his arms with a shining smile. Aubrey smiles at the two, happy that Cole likes Jedediah.
"Momma, I like Jedediah." Cole tells Aubrey that night as she tucks him in bed.

"He's a pretty cool guy isn't he?" He replies with a sleepy nod. She smiles and kisses his forehead.

"Good night Momma."

"Good night big boy." Aubrey slips out of the room after getting her pajamas for a shower. The words she told her son hit her as she lets the warm water run over her. Where's your brain at, Aubrey?! She sighs and washes her face.

Once she is out of the shower she tells Raely and Traven goodnight and heads to bed. She gets her bible out and turns to Romans 15:13. May the God of hope grant you all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. After reading a few more verses she prays.
Jedediah sighs as he pulls the handle on the fence stretcher. A drunk driver had driven through the fence knocking a entire mile out. The call had woken him up at five this morning and he had been at it since, it is now ten thirty.

"Darn it! I can't get nothing done with this stupid phone then ringing!" He exclaims as the old car horn sound blares from his phone. Traven.

Jedediah~ Helllo
Traven~ Good morning to you too happy go lucky. Who peed on your pancakes?
Jedediah~ Funny. The drunk driver that's who.
Traven~ Oh, bad morning then. So I don't guess you would mind if I ask a favor?
Jedediah~ Might as well I don't see anything bright and beautiful blooming around here.
Traven~ I have a very small voice in the back of my head telling me that you might change your mind.
Jedediah~ Well spill the story that you think will be so bright. *Chuckles*
Traven~ Rae and I are going to pick some cattle up this weekend. Aubrey offered to keep MJ so I was going to ask if you could feed and check in on them.
Jedediah~ If I didn't know better I would say that you are trying to set me up.
Traven~ *Laughs* It has crossed my mind more than once.
Jedediah~ You are hopeless. Yeah I'll do it.
Traven~ Good! Come over tomorrow and I'll show you how I feed.
Jedediah~ Alright. See you tomorrow.
Traven~ Bye.

Jedediah takes the fence stretcher back in hand and continues to fix the fence while his loyal companion, Ham, lays in the shade. At noon he lays the fencing supplies aside and heads back to his house for a world famous sandwich. By the time he is done it is one o'clock and the sun is beating down fiercely.

"You know I might as well take my soap out there too." He mutters shaking his head before dawning his hat and stepping outdoors. Making his way to the fence in his beat up, four door, flat bed, white Dodge ram Diesel, he rolls the windows down and lets the hot air bow against his sun kissed face and neck.

Aubrey drifts to his mind as he twists the last wire into place. Her long blonde and gorgeous green eyes are burned into his mind. He even dreamed about her last night! She was in a ball room style wedding dress walking down the aisle to meet him.

"Gosh dang it Jedediah!" He declares as he loads the tools in his tool boxes. "You've hardly known her three days."

Loading his supplies in the tool boxes located on the bed of his pickup he sighs. How could a women consume his every thought after only two days? This is all happening way too fast.

Lord, I need your undesirable peace that surpasses the understanding of all men. I don't know what Your plan is, but I know it will work out. Father God, I lift Aubrey and Cole up that you may give them both peace and understanding. Amen.

As he drives to his bachelor pad he thinks about the weekend to come. Spending time with Aubrey and three little boys doesn't sound so bad. After all it would be a change from the usual lonely evenings; a rather welcome change.

"Are you sure you are okay with keeping them the whole weekend?" Raely asks Aubrey for the umpteenth time.

"I'm sure. Y'all go and have a good weekend together without interruptions." She answers with a smile.

"Thank you so much! Jedediah will come by and feed so you don't have to worry about that." Rae rambles, Aubrey chuckles.

"We will be fine. And if I recall your anniversary is coming up soon so go enjoy it!" 

"Thank you! We will leave out in the morning about six or so."

"Sounds good." Aubrey replies her gaze drifting out the kitchen window to Jedediah and Traven.

"Go talk to him." Rae urges.

"I don't want to be that annoying girl that follows a guy around everywhere."

"You won't be! If I know our neighbor like I think I do he wants you to say hi." A playful shove and a twinkle of the eye assists the words that Raely spills.

"I'm good... Maybe if he comes inside."

"I can fix that problem." Raely mischievously steps to the back door. Aubrey grabs her arm with a smile and rolls her eyes.

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