Verb to be - ser ou estar

845 30 1

Affirmative form
I am_eu sou/estou
You are_você é/está
He is_ele é/está (homens)
She is_ela é/está (mulheres)
It is_ele ou ela é/está (geral)
We are_nós somos/estamos
You are_vocês são/estão
They are_eles são/estão

Forma abreviada
I am_I'm
You are_You're
He is_He's
She is_She's
It is_It's
We are_We're
You are_You're
They are_They're

Negative form
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not

Interrogative form
Am I...?
Are You...?
Is He...?
Is She...?
Is It...?
Are We...?
Are You...?
Are They...?

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