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As you may of read this some random shit I wrote to let off steam and because I fucking could .........sooooo ya

Ok so I am a dumbass human being (and if you want to know what I look like that's me on the cover ) I like photography I took that picture a couple of days ago out side of town I mean it's pretty good but I could've done better but meh

Music is my life I stay mostly in my room all day and listen to it I have black out curtains so it's always dark asf in my room because I hate socializing and light and people

My favorite color is either blue or green I love watermelons and sleep and ya

My sister died in February 2016 she was 36 4 days before her birthday .....I am 14 just saying

Ok that's about it for now ttyl peeps tbh I don't care if you read this or not

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