Chapter 4: Allnighter

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Of course ,the fangirl I am, instead of saying "Hi!" like a normal person, my first reaction was "OH DEAR JESUS! CASPAR YOU BROUGHT ME TO SISTER DANIEL!!!".

Dan burst out laughing and Caspar just smiled at me as I hugged him like I've never hugged anyone.

"Casp, who is this lovely, if not slightly tired, girl standing in front of me, hugging you?" Dan asked still laughing.
Caspar knew how much I loved presenting myself so he just pushed me in front of Dan as if saying 'Find out for yourself.'

"Presenting" I began " herself Olivia Anabelle Sugg! A big fan of Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil!" I said trying to stay serious with a smile on my face. His eyes popped out at the mention of my last name. I chuckelled.

"A Sugg?! You are a Sugg?!" Dan asked obviously overwhelmed by suprise.
"Yup! Younger sister of Zoe Sugg aka Zoella and twin sister of Joe Sugg aka ThatcherJoe!" Caspar added as if still presenting me.

Dan offered me a hand to shake and I shook it, trying to tame my little Phan heart.

"But how? How is this possible? I've been to both of your houses and she was never there!" Dan asked.
"That's because I travel a lot for my job. And when I don't I stay at Joe's and Caspar's." I answered him.
"Well, it is very nice to meet you and may I say you look like your sister quite a lot. Take it as you will, but to me it would be a huge compliment." He said. I laughed.
"It is."

"So I'm guessing you're a fan?" He asked me as we were walking towards the kitchen.
"Yes and I'm not joking. Literally the half of the comments on your youtube videos are mine." He laughed. "I hope you don't mind me asking since we just met but, why are you awake at this hour?" I say.
"I guess I could ask you two the same thing. By the way Caspar when were you planning on telling me that you have a girlfriend. Better yet, when were you planning on telling me that your girlfriend is Zoe's and Joe's sister that I don't know about?" He asked.
"I wasn't planning on telling you anything because, first of all, Olivia here, likes to keep her life private and that's why people don't know about her in the first place and second of all, we are not dating." Caspar said smiling. It was fascinating and scary to me that people react so diffrently but yet so same at the knowing there is a third sugg.

"And to answer your question Daniel we were watching the new horror movie that just came out, so that's why we're out." I added.

"I don't know Caspar, you're out with her at this hour and you brought her to comfort you at the movies while you're watching a horror movie, it does sound like a date to me, but never mind, I ship Calivia anyway, guys." He teased us.

"What about Phan?" I asked and Caspar just made a face that said 'Damn, you just got roasted!'
"Fair enough." Dan says.


We stayed up all night talking and non of us even noticed that the sun was starting to rise, but me.

"CASPAR!!! IT'S SUNRISE!!!" I freaked out. What is Joe going to think. We have to get home. ASAP
"Ooops!" Caspar said calmly as I was already looking if I'm forgeting something. "Hey don't freak out. It's okay." He tryed to calm me down,but it was not working. I was about to have a panic attack (and that rarely happens). I started to breathe heavy and I couldn't speak. Caspar reconised this because Zoe has a lot of panic attacks, so he knows what to do.
He explained everything to Dan and Dan got a wet cloth and placed it on my face. Caspar started talking.

"Oli, Olivia! Listen to me. Everything is okay. You are calm. There is nothing wrong, you are surrounded by the people that love you. Now slowly come back to me by listening to my calm voice." He guided me back into reality.

When I came into reality the first thing I saw were Caspar's blue eyes and Dan's pale face. I guess this was his first time dealing with a panic attack. I don't want to cause traumas for the poor guy. Anyway, Caspar and I went home and I calmed down.


"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?!" Joe shouted as we walked in on our toes so he doesn't hear us. So much for that plan. "DO YOU TWO KNOW HOW WORRIED I SAW? I DON'T EVEN WANT TO KNOW WHAT FUNNY BUSINESS YOU TWO WERE DOING!" He shouted at 6 in the morning.

"Joe nothing happened, I swear, I would never. Caspar is like my brother. He took me to meet Dan and Phil, but Phil was asleep so we talked to Dan. We didn't even notice how much we have stayed until I saw the sunrise." I said trying to explain evrything so that it all makes sence. Caspar was just noddin in agreement to everything I said when he finaly spoke "Bro, you're my best friend, I would never do something like this to you." He said "At least not without your permition." He mumbled, he thought I didn't hear him, but I did. Did Caspar have feelings for me? Even if he did, this is not the time to think about it. Those thoughts are reserved for when I can't fall asleep.

"Why is your makeup smudged, then?" Joe asked suspitiously, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Because Oli had a panick attack when she saw the sun rising, because she was worried about what you'll think and that you'll be worried." Caspar jumped to help me, seeing that I've zoned out, maybe because I'm missing some sleep or maybe because I have more important things to worry about.

"Olivia, is Caspar telling the truth?" He asked me. "Yes." I answered truthfully.

"Fine then, but please if something like this happens againg send me a text or something. I know you're all grown up, but I can't help but worry." He came to me and gave me a hug. "Now go get some sleep. Both of you." He said looking at  both me and Caspar.

Thank you guys for reading and voting! If you have any ideas for the story please write them in the comments.
Anyway, life is great, I'm enjoying myself and I'll see you all, NEXT TIME! :)

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