I had the weirdest dream last night...

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So, I was a shopkeeper in a little bamboo hut, and I think I was a bipedal cat? XD But, after a while, the dream got increasingly unsettling. I don't remember all of it, but later on, everyone seemed to be involuntarily breaking and dislocating their limbs. They seemed to be fine, otherwise, they didn't seem like they were in pain, but another bipedal cat girl (apparently the only immune one)) jerk friend) And she said, "I guess you got it too, now. And I soon found out, the reason people didn't seem like they were in pain, was because it gave them an emotionless face, and, when it happened to me, it REALLY HURT. Yas, I feel things in my dreams. And when I woke up, I felt a pain in my side. Wow. Just wow.

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