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Hajime sighed deeply yet happily after just getting done slurping on a nice cool glass of orange juice.

"Now not wrong!" He said pointing a finger at the Minute Maid orange juice bottle besides him. His adoge twitching as he yelled the statement to himself.

Hinata-boy sat in one of the comfortable pool-side lounge chairs by himself looking at the shimmery water he just took a short dip in. Kazuichi had tagged along during his swim as well and took the time to talk to him about girls and the killing school trip. After parting ways however, Hajime found himself seated on one of the relaxing tanners and silently sipped away at his favorite drink. Orange juice. God did he love orange juice, and oranges for that matter! Just think about it. An orange's rough yet smooth and bumpy deep colored skin containing the fruit's delicious, tart but sweet juices, all of which are soaked into sweet and supple pillows of flesh(,?) its cool insides being so refreshing as you take a nice soft bite into a freshly peeled 1/10th segment that had just been lightly stripped from the rest of the marvelous, glistening, moist and sticky pieces being held together by the thin veins used to fill the holy fruit's cushions with the fluids. Hajime licked his lips as he went through the thought of his favorite snack, the boy playing the animation in his head of someone like Chiaki or Mikan slowly squeezing a peeled orange over a glass, letting all of its sugary liquids flow like a tasty Niagara Falls into a nice clean glass making fresh, natural, zesty orange juice. This fantasy made Hajimeme drool and shudder with delight as a drop of water from the sweating drinking vessel containing his mouthwatering desires ran down its side then onto the dazed Hinata's hand, slowly making its way down his long slender index finger and drip onto the hot brick and stone ground lining the cooling pool with a small pitter-patter noise.

As the final droplet eased itself off of his fingertip, Hajime suddenly snapped back into reality after getting shaken awake from his vision and unbearably long inner monologue by a concerned Fuyuhiko who had been conveniently passing by and quickly noticed the high schooler in a, what appeared to be, euphoric bliss as he lay down on the long recliner unconsciously touching himself lightly with one hand and the other half-holding onto the stemware cup, his thumb latched around the side while his other fingers limply hang off of the small side table beside the chair.

"Dude, what the hell is up with you?" The Baby Gangsta asked completely muddled and somewhat disgusted from the unexpected sight of a knocked out Hajime drooling and rubbing by his crotch area.

"Huh?!" Hajime practically leaped out of his chair as he dramatically reacted to the unanticipated wake-up call from the nano-scale midget in pinstripe, his reaction almost causing hard contact between Hajime's fist and Fuyuhiko's tiny nose on his small face.

"HEY, WATCH WERE YOUR FIST IS GOING BUD-" Kazoo screamed but was then stopped by Hajime who whorled around to grab Fuyu-fuckoff's shoulders to keep him in place.

"Thank you for waking me up! I needed to refill my cup!" Hajime said with a wide smile.

"No that's not what I was gonna tell yo-" But Fuyuhiko was too slow to the mark to tell Hajime that he was actually touching himself and was seen doing so by many people who ended up just leaving the area to get away from the rather disturbing sight. Instead of actually taking the time to listen to what short-stack had to say, Hajime flipped around, took his beloved juice into his arms, and gayly skipped away into his cottage. Fuyuhiko sighed hard.


-meanwhile in Hajime's cottage-

Give Me Your Orange Juices - Hajime Hinata x OJ (SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now