Chapter 1

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"Jordan shut your ass up otherwise I will come in there and rip your balls off" I woke screaming

I stumbled off of my bed falling into a heel on the ground, I shuffled over to the door, my legs were like jellyfish. I creaked open the door peaking my head through the gap, searching for Jordan hoping he won't through another pokeball at my back shouting I caught a pikachu as I was wearing a pikachu onesie.

I discovered that Jordan was chilling on the couch having a Fifa session with his mates, I snuck into the kitchen to grab my ball and began to through it and grip it in my hand which turns into a Fist and then lanched it at Jordans head.

They all spun round in shock and glared at me.

And being me and how socially awkward I am

"When life gives you balls you squeeze them"

I could feel my cheeks burn red in embarrassment, I searched for an escape and my eyes locked with the my door, I leaped over the washing basket, well I tried and failed misrebley, my foot got caught between the gaps and I landed on my face.

Laughter filed the air, I rose up from the floor like the walking dead and marched off until someone caught my wrist and spun me round like a ballerina, my eyes locked with Jordans, he was such a cunt but a cute cunt.

I tried to squirm out of his grasp but he was to muscular, why did I have such lack of strength, I work my ass of everyday to get the perfect figure and strength but I wasn't making any progress, everyday I would way myself and not lose an inch, ii was like the screaming parrot that went viral on Facebook, WHAT THE FUCK!!!

"Hey babe, you should know by now not to through things at me, you know it turns me on" he smirked

Why do boys think pain is pleasure?

Wait, FUCK, I'm such a retard.

He released me from his grasp and I ran away giggling like a little school girl, me and Jordan have a fucked up twisted relationship as most the time we will 'scream and shout and let it all out' I began singing in my head, drifting away in my thoughts.

I wasn't a morning person as people can tell as my behaviour was inappropriate as some of my fellow teachers may confess, so thank god my parents had fucked off otherwise I would be spending my life inprisoned in there punishments.

I could hear yelling coming from the living room but it wasn't the type of yelling aimlessly at a TV screen it was full blown argument mode.

WOAH, I wasn't missing this I needed something exciting to happen in my life and this seemed like the best option.

I peaked through the door getting a glimpse of the situation, they are so pathetic, Jordan and his mate were screaming abuse at each other over a whore who stood in the center of my living room.


Jordan raised his fist and planted it on his mates jaw, knocking him to the ground, I started to tremble and goosebumps started to appear on my skin, I'd never seen Jordan this angry before it was like he was obsessed over this girl.

"What the fuck ass hole" I squealed

I stagered over to his mate, blood covered my floors like a river, I titled his head upwards, examining his wound, Jordan had hit him with that much force that he cracked his jaw open, he needed stiches, I grabbed a towel and raised it to his chin trying to conceal the blood from gushing anywhere else.

I signaled his other mate over (I don't know any of their names).

Me and Jordans other mate lifted him off the ground and landed him in the car and Jordans mate rushed him to the hospital.

Jordan stared at me with his innocent puppy dog eyes, I couldn't help but get lost in them until a dose of reality smacked me and I rolled my eyes and approached my room slamming the door behind me.

What has got into him?, he was never like this but earlier I could smell the stench of alcohol streaming from his body.

I flopped onto my bed like an over dramatic diva, I layed there for about 10 minuted until I found the energy to hop into the shower as I had a lot of errands to run and one was by passing the hospital and checking up on Jordans busted friend.

Before I hopped unto the shower I raided my drawers for my whit belly top and comfy black Nike tracksuit bottoms and my underwear. I trailed into the bathroom and flicked the the tab on and adding soap which created lots and lots of BUBBLES, I was 5 year old trapped in a 16 year old body.

I didn't hesitate and jumped in the bath, for some weird reason I loved to create art in the steam that scattered from my body for some reason it fasenated me just another one of my disturbing hobbies.

I heard the click of the lock open, Who the fuck was that?.

Jordan burst through the door and I scrambled for something to cover my naked body but I was to late, then I realised that the Bubbles had saved me by covering me.

I snigerd at the sight I'd him, he disgusted me as much as my friends piss me off and yes suprisingly I have a couple building would never physically hurt them, I mean that was what imagination was for right?, otherwise I would probably be behind bars.

I snapped out of my thoughts and he leaned against the door just staring at me, I gave him an awkward smile as I didn't know what was happening, I mean I was naked in the bath and he was just chilling in the corner like a stalker but not a very good one, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when he discovered I was naked.

"Im sorry you had to witness that" he sighed

I stared at hi confused what the hell was he talking about?.

"Whatever ass hole" I spat

Thank god for swear words they saved my life.

He raised his hands on his face truing to cover up the frustration and then he spun round and headed out the door.



I know this chapter wasn't all this great but it's only the beginning please vote and comment and message me if you would like me to check out your stories xx

And I know there are a few mistakes but I can't seem to spot them but I have a feeling they are there so sorry and next chapter will be better I promise.

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