chapter 2

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Jordan hasn't even said hi to me ever since the incident in the living room but for some reason I felt as if he was trying to avoid me but why??.

"Hey Jordan" I waved awkwardly, he didn't even lift his head up to even notice me trying to make an effort, instead he just kept glancing down at his phone.


Thank god, I sighed in relief when the door bell rang, Jordan rushed over to the door peaking his head out as if he didn't want me to know who it was.

It was Daniel (the guy who helped me with Jordan's friend). I don't know why I didn't know his name before as we have biology together and he sits next me. I remember the first time I spotted him at the opposite table from me and I couldn't help myself but admire him as he is extremely hot and me being me I embarrassed myself. All the way through that class I stared at him and a couple of times he noticed me but I tried to play it cool and pretend I was just looking at the poster in the on the wall, for some reason he just attracted him but I blame it on the lighting as it was quite dark in the back and he looked mysterious and dangerous. Anyways it was the end of class and the bell rang and I began to haul my things of my desk, when in the corner of my we I discovered him walking over to my desk with a huge smirk players on his face, I began to panic and I dropped all my books on the floor causing them to scatter everywhere, being a normal human being I dropped to my knees and began shovelling all my books up in my arms.

"Hey" I felt a hand in my shoulder and obviously I through my head up and smacked him in the balls with my head, oh god it was so embarrassing.

I held my hand on my head and began to shake it in embarrassment after remembering what happened.

"It's Ally right" he giggled

"Y-yeah" I stuttered

My eyes locked with his and i took a step back from reality and began to drift away into my day dreams.

"ALLY" Jordan screamed and I snapped back, they both looked at me blankly

"Sorry, I just doze off sometimes" I smiled

Daniels POV ~

She looked so adorable standing there with her messy hair twirling a piece round her finger, I could tell she was embarrassed as her face had also turned bright red, I didn't know what to do so I decided to break the silence.

"Do you want to go on a date with me" I smiled

I know it's a bit forward but when I see something I want I go for it

Ally's POV ~

Did he seriously just say those words after I head butted him in the balls what kind of guy asks a girl out after a situation like that and in the other hand I realised I was still in my pyjamas and my hair was a mess.

"Erm sure" I giggled and skipped of like a school girl into my bedroom and grabbed my things and headed off into the shower.

I turned the radio on and 'love story' by Taylor swift began to Blair from the speakers and I couldn't help my self so I began to sing as it was one of my favourites.

Jordan's POV~

I went to go and check on Ally ana tell her dinner was ready, I walked into her bedroom and beard her say

"It's a love story, baby just say yes".

Ally's POV ~

I heard Jordan sing "yes" i instantly popped my head out out of the shower making sure he wasn't in the room, which thankfully he wasn't but I noticed that the door was slightly open and I spotted him trying to peak through, he was such a perve, he then barged in and began to wink at me, why do I always have to be naked but he couldn't see though the shower so I was safe. I grabbed my shampoo bottle and launched it at him.


"Alright, alright calm down but you better hurry up because dinners ready" as he shuffled out the door.

Can I not even have a relaxing shower without him bugging me??

I jumped out the shower and fling my blue ellease shorts on and a white belly top and then fling my hair up in a messy bun as I begin to sense the delightful smell coming from the kitchen.

"MY FAVOURITE" I screamed in a high pitched voice, I grab a plate from the kitchen counter and then approached the table, I saw Daniel signalling me to sit beside him and I didn't buy not because I was trying to be polite but because I wanted stuff my face so badly with pizza.

Jordan placed the pizza I the centre of the table, I launch my self over the table and grab a piece and then sit back in my chair enjoying every piece of my meal, as Jordan  was trying to start a conversation I felt a hand place on my thigh, I turned my head to Daniel but he didn't notice me throwing him a death stare signally to move his hand away otherwise I was going to kill him, I smacked his hand away but he wasn't giving up, he just kept trying and trying so I raised from my chair and headed over to my room.

"I'll be right back" I heard Daniel say and I began to run but he fought up with me and grabbed my wrists causing my pizza to splat onto the floor ana he pulled me closer to him, so close that I could feel his breathe on my neck, our faces were now inches apart and I saw him drawing even closer to me. I tried to squirm trying to release myself from his grip but he was to strong, I don't know why I was fighting him I mean he's so hot, I just hated being controlled by guys, so I raised my knee and kicked him in the stomach and ran into my room slamming it behind me, I really needed to invest in getting myself a lock, I looked through the key hole to see where Daniel was, he paused and then walked off into the kitchen, thank good I was thinking one minute then other I was thinking, why was I holding back??, I mean we were going on a date after all, was I scared??, to be honest I didn't want to dwell on it so I flipped into my bed and fell asleep.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and sorry it has taken me so long to update, as I have been at school and it's hard to do all my school work and juggle watt pad at the same time, so I will do my best to not leave you all waiting too long. And I promise I won't leave it as long as I have to update again xx

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