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-Lele's p.o.v -

I woke up early this morning.. I found a job and my potential new boss wants to see me and we will probably have a little talk... well boys told me yesterday that today they will look after some kids.. I'm not really sure about letting kids stay with  those 4 freaks tho... but I guess it will be fine.. I carefuly got out of my bed cuz I didn't want to wake up Jarppi even tho he would probably sleep during tornado :D I quickly made some pancakes and left something for boys, get into my car and drove off.. I found job as HELP OUT in petshop so I also hope I'll get it :D

-Jarppi's p.o.v. -

I woke up and turned around and Lele wasn't there.. yeah right she told me about her meeting.. I wish her luck but I hope she made some breakfast tho... Jukka came up with idea that we should look after some kids.. he said it will be fun.. well I don't have anything agains kids but I know from who those kids are and those kids are DEVILS.. well never mind I will go wake Jukka up and get some stuff ready because I really don't want THOSE kids to get bored.

-Jukka's p.o.v. -

"Wake up you bastard" I heard Jarppi said with laugh so I opened my eyes "how about "GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL" huh? Or that's just for Lele" I said with laugh "well.. If you even were beautiful" he said with smirk and I laughed.. "you should go for those kids" he said " oh yea.. let me just eat something" I told him

___ few hours later___

"hey kids.. don't you want to paint something" I asked and they nodded... god damn they are so hyper.. "hey what the hell" I yelled because those kids just poured bucket of color on me and other boys just started to laugh... they were destroying our ranch.. they were breaking windows with baseball bats and hitting our cars.. and they were also hitting Jarppi with bats, shovels.. but that was funny for me, HP and Jarno but not really for Jarppi :D

-Jarno's p.o.v. -

"hey guys.. we don't have anything for food for those boys" I told to guys "wait.. does it mean that we need to go shopping? WITH THEM??" asked HP and we all slowly nodded and look over to those boys which was now jumping on the car... "SHIT" said Jukka.. "ehm.. boys, get into the car" said Jarppi and surprisingly  they went in with no problems

__in the shop__

"boys would you PLEASE be good?" asked HP and they all nodded but they had that smirk on their faces so I knew that this will be bad... right after we went in they were already grabbing things and throwing them on the floor, running around and people were just staring.. I mean we were lauging but at the same time we were pleading to god to stop them.

-HP's p.o.v. -

"HEY STOP.. NO.. STOP" I yelled at them because they were basically destroying that shop like our ranch wasn't enough... "ok guys.. me and Jarppi will grab the boys and you grab some stuff what we need.. pay for it and let's get the fuck outta here" said Jukka and we all agreed.. while me and Jarno we taking things what we need as fast as we could Jukka and Jarppi were chasing after those devils.. "wait my phone is ringing" I said and Jarno took the things out of my hands so I can pick up the phone.. it's Lele "what's up?"  I asked "why don't you guys pick up the phone? where are you?" she asked " we're in the shop" I told her "ehm.. ok.. I'm coming" she said and hang up "who was that?" asked Jarno "it was Lele.. she said she's coming" I answered him and took my things back from him.

-Lele's p.o.v. -

so I got my job and now I'm back on the ranch and OMG what the hell happened here.. it's disaster.. and where are everybody.. I called them but no one is picking up so I'll call HP again.. and he picked up, he said that they are in the shop and I also heard some breaking noises in the backround.. so I'm on my way to shop.

__in shop__

I went into the shop and I can't see them anywhere I just hear noises of breaking things so I guess that's the way I should go.. after few minutes I saw them and I also saw that disaster what they left.. milk, jogurts all over the floor..  broken vase on the floor and those kids running around and Jukka, HP, Jarno and Jarppi just standing there and they didn't know what to do anymore.. "what the hell is THAT?" I came to them and asked "OMG thank god you're here" yelled Jarppi and hugged me so tight "well.. don't be so hopeful.. I don't know what to do either" I told him with wide eyes "maybe you should just catch them and take them into the car and I will pay it.. just get them out" I said and all of sudden something was dripping on my head and shoulders and guys started to giggle "WHAT THE HELL" I said while turning around and there he was.. that little rat just poured jogurt on my head.."YOU LITTLE.." I said and started to run after that little boy but Jarppi catched me "calm down.. it's just a little boy" he said with laugh "ok, you know what?.. just catch them and let's just get the hell out of here" I said furiously and guys just laughed.. we catched them, payed for everything and I mean EVERYTHING and went out of that shop.. I think that they will not want us there for a while.. we gave those kids back to their parents and get back to the ranch.

-Jarppi's p.o.v. -

"normally I would say LET'S FIX THIS MESS but I'm just too tired" said HP "yea me too" said Jarno and we all agreed too... "I don't know abot you guys but I'm going to wash myself and go to sleep" said Jukka and walked off.. HP and Jarno walked off too.. "so do you have that job" I asked to Lele while grabbing her hand and smiled "yea.. I do.. I'm starting next Monday" she said while putting her head on my shoulder "THAT'S GREAT" I said and kissed her forehead "yea.. you know how you wanted to go to the lake for a walk today?.. let's just leave it for tommorow.. I'm too tired to even walk.. I'm already sleeping" she said "OK" I said while giggeling and I picked her up bridal style "you are crazy" she said with smile and closed eyes but I think she didn't really mind when she was already falling asleep in my arms.


another chapter is over... hope you like it tho :D



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