Chapter Three

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[Lily's POV]

"Stay close to me at all times, don't get lost." Fiona commanded to me. I nodded, eying the many people who walked past us. It was weird how so many people ended up here. There had to be at least a hundred of them gathered here alone!

As we walked I noticed the many buildings around. I noticed that on some of the doors, crosses were hung.

"Why-?" I started to ask, nudging Fiona. I pointed towards the doors.

"Stereotypes remember? Here, all stereotypes about vampires are true. Crosses keep the vampires away. The newer vampires that come in are immune to certain things though, it's better to be safe than sorry right?" Fiona grinned. She grabbed my wrist, "the bakery is just ahead, c'mon!"

My lips curved in a smile at the look of the little bakery. It was cute, a light shade of blue with a welcome sign handing from it. A tiny bell rang as we stepped foot in the store and the scent of baked goods greeted me.

"We're here!" Fiona chirped. I watched as a lady turned around. Her hair was black and she appeared to be in her fourties and had piercing green eyes. Her eyes hardened as they landed on me. I looked down, uncomfortable.

"Is this Lily?" She asked. Her accent was familiar it was just like-

"Harry," I mentally facepalmed as I realized that I said that out loud.

"Pardon?" The woman asked her tone sharp.

"Anyway...we're here to make a reservation for the cake! Lily stay here we'll be right back!" Fiona said, giving me a smile.

"Right," I smiled weakly. I watched as they went in the back, Fiona grabbing some sort of menu before following the woman.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair as I looked around. Why did that woman seem to dislike me off the bat? Had she heard about me?

"Do you need help?" I jumped, turning to see a girl standing infront of me. She looked to be in her early twenties and her dark hair went just bellow her shoulders.

"I'm just waiting for my friend," I told her, smiling. She smiled back, dimples showing. Oh guess who else has dimples? Harry.

"Do you work here?" I asked, curiously.

"Yup, I've been working here for over 700 years!"

"H-how long has this world existed?" I asked. 700 years?!? "And why haven't you, well, aged?"

"It's been here since around 700 years. I was one of the first to be trapped in here. We don't age because once the witch controls how we age. I was just fortunate enough that she stopped aging me at 22 years!" She laughed. I joined in, though inside I was hyperventilating. What if the witch waited till I was old to finally stop aging me? I bit my lip, possibilities spinning around in my head.

"I'm Lily," I introduced myself. The girls eyes narrowed for a second before she snapped out of it. She smiled though something was off.

"I'm Gemma."

"Lily!" I heard Fiona's voice from behind us. We turned to see Fiona and the bakery's owner standing by the doorway.

"Ready to go?" Fiona asked, glancing between Gemma and I.

"Yes," As we exited the store, I turned my head to look back. An eerie feeling ran through me as I saw the woman staring at us through the window.


[Harry's POV]

"Harry, are you awake?"

"Go away," I groaned, pressing my pillow on my head. I cursed in my head as I heard the door knob turn. Why the hell didn't I lock it?

"Harry, there's a party starting in an hour in town. I want to go!" She whined.

"And?" I groaned from under the pillow.

"I want you to be my escort!"

"I'm not taking you to the party, Grace." After the events two years ago, we had allowed Grace to live in the castle. I could bear to kill her, not with this stupid curse on me. Everytime I convinced myself that I would get rid of her the cursed part of me would convince me other wise.

"Harry, your taking me to the party." I raised my head as I felt arms wrap around my arm. I was up in an instant, on my feet, staying as far away from her as possible.

"Get away from me!" I hissed. Grace was dressed in a red dress, make up caked over her face. I mentally gagged at her appearance.

"You need to get out there and stop pouring over some stupid girl!"

"That 'stupid girl' was your sister!" I growled.

"It doesn't matter! Ill be turning twenty in two weeks and you'll be free from this curse!"

"You know what, if your not leaving, then I will!" I shouted, starting to make my way to the door. I was so done with Grace- in fact, I could not wait till she was twenty. Then I would actually have the heart to kill her.

As I walked into the hallway, I could see a familiar figure standing in my way.

The witch.

"Thank god, did Louis bring you-?" I paused as I realized she was alone, "-Where is Louis-"

I was cut off by pain in my head. I gasped, my hands flying to my head. I fell to my knees, my vision blurring. The last thing I saw was the witches cruel smile.

[Third Person]

Louis rushed down the hall, excitement in his chest. He has found the witch, he had done what Harry had asked him to. He was going to make everything right.

But as he made his way to Harry's room he felt a feeling of dread fill him. On the floor laid Harry, his eyes closed, his hands limp by his head. Towering over him was the witch.

"What did you do?" Louis asked in horror.

"I," the witch crackled as she turned around,"just started my games."

She let out a laugh, one that made Louis feel cold to the core.

"Let the games begin!"

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