The Silent Attack

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"Ahh! Stop! Ugh stop it! Hahahaha! Stop it! Hahaha" yelled and laughed Alex. "What you ticklish" laughed Nate, he continues to tickle her. "If I wasn't already obvious!" She laughed. He had her pinned on the floor while he was tickling her. She got her like loose and by mistake, kicked him in the face. "Owe! Haha" he laughed to make it seem like it did not hurt. "Oh my gosh sure you ok?" She jumped up quickly while asking that question. He saw she was very concerned and he didn't want her to think that she hurt him, so he pretended like he was kidding and that it didn't hurt, like if it was a trick to get her to stand up so he could tackle her. he pounces "hey!" She yells, they land on the couch. They both laugh. They sit there and just talk for a few hours then Nate suggests a movie. "Sure as long as you don't tickle me! By now you should know I'm very ticklish!" She says. "I know that's why I did it" he laughs and she tries attend like she's mad but she couldn't keep a straight face then he pretends like he's about to tickle her and she freaks. "Hey!! Seriously!" She explained. "Ok-ok, I'll make popcorn, you can pick a movie." She chases for the movies , as he goes to get the popcorn. She puts the movie in and lets the commercials play why she waits. He comes in the living room with a big bowl of popcorn. "Movie night!" He sits on the couch. "Which one did you pick?" He asked "lion king 2" she told him. They sit on the couch, they were a half an hour into the movie when she fell asleep. Her head fell on to Nates right shoulder. He uses his left arm to reach over is shoulder and gables a blanket and puts it on her. She got closer to him and he put his arm over her. That perfect moment right? What possibly could go wrong?? Just Then all of the sudden she woke getting sharp pains in her side, and broke to tears from the excruciating pain. "Ahhg ow! Ah!" She yelled "wha-what is it? Are you okay??" He moves and lays her down. he looked in her pain and tear filled eyes, and knew she needed help. He picked her up, then ran to her moms car. Nobody was home, her parents were out of town for the month. He puts her in the front seat, closes the door, then rushes to the drivers side and takes off flying. They rush to the nearest hospital. She pools into the nears spot to the front. Then gets out, gets Alex then rushes to the doors. She passed out from the pain. "Somebody help! Please!" His yells grab the attention of a doctor and some nurses that grabbed a wheelchair. Then Nate set her on it. The doctors and nurses rush her to the emergency room. before they all could get through the last door one of the nurses stop Nate telling him "you need to stay out here sir, we'll get you when she's stable." And with him knowing that she was already sick though he thought it was not that bad at the time, he told her ok and nervously waited in the waiting room. Before they closed the door he yelled to Alex for what he thought was the last time. "Stay alive Alex!" He was there for two days, only leaving the room for a few minutes to go to the restroom. He was to nervous to eat. How could a amazing day end with I night like that? He would ask himself. Just been a nurse came in the waiting room telling Nate he can come and that shes stable and she's awake. He rushed to the room when he got there the doctors just leaving room but before he went in he asked him. "is she gonna be ok?!" He asked her quietly, but demanding but the doctor only gave him a look of sorrow for Nate then told him that "they don't know, with her condition anything is possible" Nate felt his stomach drop as the doctor walked away after telling him that. He walks into Alex's room seeing her on the hospital bed she looked up and smiled.

Then whispered to him "your here? I thought that the drive here would take longer."

"I never left I stayed here hoping that you'd be ok."

"really! That's so sweet you could've left the doctors have been taking good care of me"

"If I left and then got a phone call about something happening to you I wouldn't want to be alone, Plus I want to see you one last time before-" he stops because she looks at him.

"Am I going to die??" Her voice grew louder

With his mind racing he decided to tell her the truth and tell her what the doctor said
"Well the doctor said anything is possible, but-"

"I'm going to die"

"No that's not true!"

"Yes it is you just told me."

"No I said anything's possible that includes you being OK

"But Nate that includes me not being OK and dying..."

"Don't think like that!"

"How can I not?"

"just don't! You're going to be ok!" He paused "you have to..."

He the approaches Alex and hugs her. They stay there awhile, he would have got up but she began to cry and he hates when she cries. "You're is going to be ok." He softly whispers into her ear. Then finally stands up, not because he wanted to but because he heard someone walk in the room. It was a doctor and he told me that he needs to go home "Alex needs her rest." He told him. Nate understood, and gave Alex a hug goodbye then whispered in her ear "stay alive" then the doctor makes him leave. Not knowing it would feel like forever until he would see her again.

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